
Simple lua-based engine to generate dynamic ballistics reticles

Primary LanguageLuaGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

BCRG - Ballistic reticle generator

Simple tool to generate dynamic ballistics reticles by .lua templates


pip install bcrg


As CLI tool

python -m bcrg 
usage: bcr [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-W <int>] [-H <int>] [-cx <float>] [-cy <float>] [-z [<int> ...]] [-Z] file

positional arguments:
  file                  Reticle template file in .lua format

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory path, defaults to ./
  -W <int>, --width <int>
                        Canvas width (px)
  -H <int>, --height <int>
                        Canvas height (px)
  -cx <float>, --click-x <float>
                        Horizontal click size (cm/100m)
  -cy <float>, --click-y <float>
                        Vertical click size (cm/100m)
  -z [<int> ...], --zoom [<int> ...]
                        Zoom value (int)
  -Z, --zip             Store as .zip

As Imported module

from bcrg import LuaReticleLoader
loader = LuaReticleLoader('my_reticle_template.lua')

# Create 1bit-depth .bmp bytearray
byte_stream = loader.make_bmp(640, 480, 2.27, 2.27, 4, None)
with open("myreticle.bmp", 'b') as f:


  • A reticle template have to implement make_reticle function, that gets required arguments and have to return self:to_bmp or self:to_bmp_1bit
  • Examples in ./templates dir