
A free open-source color emoji font available as both OpenType-SVG and COLRv1

SIL Open Font License 1.1OFL-1.1


MishMashMoji is a color emoji font available as both OpenType-SVG and COLRv1.

To have the font work in all browsers, read this blog post.

Some of the glyphs are taken from the open source Kablammo typeface, designed by Travis Kochel, with creative direction by Travis Kochel and Lizy Gershenzon, at Vectro Type. I colorised them in FontLab.

a screenshot of all the Kablammo emoji in the font

The blob glyphs are customised and colorised versions of the non-color version of Noto Emoji from Google, with some facial expressions taken from Kablammo.

a screenshot of all the blob emoji in the font

Thank you to all the original creators.

This font only covers a very limited set of emoji.

In Chrome and Firefox you can customize the colors of the font.

A green version of an melting face emoji

See this article for more information.


@font-palette-values --Slime {
            font-family: mishmashmoji;
            base-palette: 0;
            9 #30FA0A;

      h1 {
            font-family: mishmashmoji;
            font-palette: --Slime;

I also included some unedited versions of emoji I like from FxEmoji from Mozilla, the Twitter emoji font, the color version of Noto from Google, and the Microsoft emoji font.

a screenshot of all the Kablammo emoji in the font