
Clone of the game Wolf3d written in Rust for WebAssembly

Primary LanguageRust

A Wolf3D clone written in Rust for WebAssembly

This is a small sample project I used for learning Rust and experimenting with Webassembly.

Try the browser version to play with it instantly or compile on your desktop!

Controls Qwerty Azerty
Move Forward W Z
Look Left A Q
Move Backward S S
Look Right D D
Interact F F

How to Build

The package can be built using wasm-pack.

wasm-pack build --realease

You can create an application:

npm init wasm-app my-app

Then run npm link in the pkg/ directory and run npm link wasm in the root of the application.

Add a canvas in the body of the index.html file:

    #canvas {
        width: 640px;
        height: 480px;
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>

And add this code the the index.js

import {Game} from "wasm";

const map = {
  "cells": [],
  "portals": [],
  "sprites": []

const game = new Game(map, 320, 240);
window.addEventListener("keydown", function (event) {
    if (!event.defaultPrevented && !event.repeat) {
        game.process_event(event.which, true);
window.addEventListener("keyup", function (event) {
    game.process_event(event.which, false);

function loop() {
    game.update(1 / 30); //30 FPS

Then run:

npm install
npm start