
Node.js implementation of Euclidian sequencer

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

Euclidean Step Sequencer

Created by Ethan Rountree, Phi Nguyen, Porter Libby

This project was created for Project 1 in CS345 : Software Engineering. The sequencer is designed to express 1 to 6 voices, each with many configurable options, including key, octave, wave type, and more. Each voice has a configurable number of pulses, which will be distributed evenly across the selected number of steps, resulting in complex polyrhythms and interesting offbeat patterns.

Install and run

To run the Euclidean Step Sequencer on a local machine:

  1. clone it into your directory with git clone <url>
  2. from the directory run npm install
  3. run nodemon index.js or node index.js
  4. Open your favorite browser and type in url: localhost:8080/

Live Version

Visit our own live version of this project! http://euclidean-sequencer.herokuapp.com/


  • npm
  • Tone.JS library
  • Express