

A simple web application to track your daily financial transactions. This project allows you to keep track of your income and expenses with an easy-to-use interface. All data is stored locally in your browser using local storage.


  • Login System: Users can log in with their email and password to access their financial data. The login data is stored locally.
  • Transaction History: Add, view, and delete financial transactions (income/expenses). The transaction history is stored locally in the browser and is persistent across sessions.
  • Income and Expense Tracking: Automatically calculates total income, total expenses, and balance.
  • Responsive Design: The layout is designed to work on various screen sizes.

Getting Started


  • A modern web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, etc.)
  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
    git clone
  2. Open index.html in your preferred browser to use the app.

File Structure

  • index.html: The main page where users can view and manage their transactions.
  • login.html: A separate login page where users log in to access their data.
  • login.js: Handles the login logic, including storing email and password in local storage.
  • style.css: Contains the main styling for the web application.
  • login.css: Contains specific styles for the login page.
  • index.js: Main JavaScript file to handle transaction addition, deletion, and data display.


  1. Login: Navigate to the login page (login.html) and enter your email and password. The email and password are stored in local storage.
  2. Add Transaction: After logging in, you can add transactions by filling in the description and the amount. Positive amounts are treated as income, and negative amounts are treated as expenses.
  3. View Balance: Your total income, expenses, and current balance are automatically calculated and displayed.
  4. Delete Transactions: You can delete any transaction from the list. The balance and totals are updated accordingly.

Local Storage Information

  • Email: Stored when the user logs in.
  • Password: Stored when the user logs in.
  • Transaction History: Stored as a JSON array in local storage under the key history. It persists until manually deleted by the user or cleared via the browser.

Known Issues

  • Currently, there is no option to log out once the user is signed in.
  • The login page does not have password validation or encryption for storage, making it less secure.

Future Improvements

  • Add encryption for storing passwords.
  • Add a log-out button.
  • Implement real user authentication using a backend server.