
This Spigot plugin is an open-source projekt. It's kinda also planned to show how easy it is to make simple plugins which normaly cost much money for quite the same content or being coded quite bad with many configs just for permissions and stuff.

Primary LanguageJava


This Spigot plugin is an open-source projekt. It's kinda also planned to show how easy it is to make simple plugins which normaly cost much money for quite the same content or being coded quite bad with many configs just for permissions and stuff.



What does this plugin do This Plugin is showing prefix & suffixes in the TabList which you can provide by LuckPerm Groups.


  • /stl-reload (need the Permission stl.reload)


  • stl.reload


  • Tablist

  • Additional prefix & suffixes & Headers & Footers which are world based using the configs generated in the world folder

  • Prefix & suffixes provided by LuckPerms

  • Update Tablist on LuckPerms save changes & each second

  • Own Placeholders


  • {player_name} | Fetch Player name

  • {player_health} | Fetch Player health

  • {player_food} | Fetch Player food

  • {player_xp} | Fetch Player xp

  • {player_lvl} | Fetch Player lvl

  • {player_gamemode} | Fetch Player gamemode


For colors please use §

Additional Information

The TabList updates every 2 seconds.

You can change Header and Footer of the TabList in the config.yml.

Make sure to check if your config is to old! (Make a backup of your current and reload the plugin to check what's new)

Content which could be added in future updates

  • Animations

  • API

All and custom stats here: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/Simple TabList/15221

For any suggestions or questions, you can add me on Discord YIMIR#3223

(I am from Germany, so if you are also from Germany, you can write me in German).

For this plugin updates will only come with long times in between.