
My UltiSnips snippets for D

Primary LanguageVim Snippet

odnsnip - my UltiSnips snippets for D

odsnip is a collection of UltiSnips snippets for the D programming language based on work of Ferdinand Majerech

Getting Started

  • Install UltiSnips
  • Get odsnip: git clone https://github.com/o3o/odsnip.git
  • Copy the d.snippets file to UltiSnips user snippets directory. On Linux this should be ~/.vim/UltiSnips.



al alias
auto auto /variable/ = /value/
cast cast(/type/)
con const variable = value
const const()
format format(/values/)
len length
mixin mixin
module module
new new
over override
priv private
pub public
publ public: /memeber/
pubb public {/memeber/}
ret return
rett return /value to return/
scope scope (exit)
super super(/args/)
vd void
with with ()

Vibe.d log

logd logDebug
logdi logDiagnostic
logi logInfo
logw logWarn
loge logError

Phobos experimental log

lt trace
ltf tracef
li info
lif infof
lw warning
lwf warningf
le error
lef errorf
lc critical
lcf criticalf


imp import list
impa import std.array
impc import std.conv
impe import std.signals
impex import std.exception
impf import std.file
impi import std.stdio
impl import std.experimental.logger
impo import /module/
imps import std.string
impu import unit_threaded
impuv version(unittest) { import unit_threaded }
pimp public import /module/
seq shouldEqual
saeq shouldApproxEqual(/to/)
sinc shouldInclude(/item/)
sneq shouldNotEqual(/to/)
st shouldBeTrue
sf shouldBeFalse
sn shouldBeNull
sgt shouldBeGreaterThan
sst shouldBeSmallerThan
ssj shouldBeSameJsonAs
snn shouldNotBeNull
sth shouldThrow!Exception
snth shouldNotThrow!Exception
ht @HiddenTest(message)
ut @UnitTest


imm immutable()
siz size_t /variable/ = /value/
wr writeln()
wr writeln()
wrf writefln()


to to!/type/(/arg/)
top to!(/type/)(/arg/)
tos to!string()
tosa to!string(/arg/)


if if (/condition/)
ifnn if (/condition/ !is null)
ife if (/condition/) else
el else {
elif else if (/condition/)
sif static if ()
sw switch (/var/) .. case
fsw final switch (/var/)
case case /value/: break
?: /condition/ ? /then/ : /else/


do do while
wh while (/condition/)
for for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
fori for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
fore foreach (/elem/; /range/)
forei foreach (i; 0 .. /max/)
forever for (;;)
forif foreach (/elem/; /range/) if(/condition/)


req assert(var !is null) and assign
reqn assert(var !is null)
in in
out out
body body
inv invariant()
enf enforce(/condition/)
enfe enforce(/condition/,new Exception(/args/))
enfa enforce(/condition/) ans assegnation


fun /ret/ /function name/(/args/) @safe pure nothrow
func void /function name/(/args/) @safe pure nothrow
bar /ret/ /function name/(/args/)
this this(/args/)
get getter property
set setter property
getset getter setter property
getp getter property pure
setp setter property pure
getsetp getter setter property pure
prop @property
main void main(string[] args)
maini int main(string[] args)


signal mixin Signal!(/args/) /name/;
emit emit(/arg/);

Exception handling

try try , catch
tryf try , catch and finally
catch catch (Exception e)
thr throw new Exception("")
exc Exception class declaration

Type definitions

struct struct
union union
class class
inter interface
enum enum

Conditional compilation

version version ()
versioni version (/name/) /code/
versionl version (linux)
versionw version (Windows)
versionil version (linux) /code/
versioniw version (Windows) /code/
debug debug


temp template /name/(/args/)


as assert(false)
asm assert(/condition/, "error message")
asn assert(/var !is null/)
sas static assert(false)

DDoc and comments

fix // FIX:
todo // TODO:
sdc Short sdoc block
doc Generic sdoc block
fdoc Function ddoc block
fsdoc Short function ddoc block
Pars Params ddoc block
Par Params inline
Ret Returns
Thr Throws
Example Examples
doff // dfmt off
don // dfmt on


gpl GPL License
boost Boost License

vibe.log vs phobos experimental.logger

Vibe Phobos
diagnostic trace
info info
warn warning
error error
critical critical
fatal fatal
none off