Green Day is a data cleaning tookit for Spark. It's developed via Python and takes pyspark DataFrame as input.
- Missing Value
- Date Format
- Text Cleaning
- Clustering
- Outlier
- Duplicative Removing
- Scaling
PySpark 2.3.0
Python 3.6.5
- Upload the
folder to the hdfs and the directory you're working on. - Import the package as
from greenday import *
Then you can use all the modules under Green Day toolkit. - The input must be a
pyspark DataFrame
- The default setting is the whole dataframe. Users can choose just a subset of all columns as input argument.
- To using the clustering function, import from
from Greenday import missingvalue
df = missingvalue(df)
- Represent an overview of the percentage of missing values
column name missing value percent
0 RequestID 0%
1 StartDate 0%
2 EndDate 0%
3 AgencyName 0%
4 TypeOfNoticeDescription 81%
5 CategoryDescription 84%
6 ShortTitle 0%
7 SelectionMethodDescription 84%
8 SectionName 0%
9 SpecialCaseReasonDescription 97%
10 PIN 84%
11 DueDate 91%
12 AddressToRequest 91%
13 ContactName 91%
14 ContactPhone 91%
15 Email 95%
16 ContractAmount 91%
17 ContactFax 97%
18 AdditionalDescription1 15%
19 AdditionalDesctription2 100%
20 AdditionalDescription3 100%
- Impute missing values or its equivalent by mean or median
| Name| Age|Height|Weight|State|
| Aaron| 18| 170| 77| NY|
| Bob| 45| 175| 59| NJ|
| Chris|null| 189| 88| IL|
| Dan| 28| 168| 99| NY|
| Evans| 17| null| 99| 999|
|Francis| 33| null| 65| 999|
| George|null| 190| 90| NY|
- Show the imputer
| Name| Age|Height|Weight|State|
| Aaron| 18| 170| 77| NY|
| Bob| 45| 175| 59| NJ|
| Chris|28.2| 189| 88| IL|
| Dan| 28| 168| 77| NY|
| Evans| 17| 178.4| 77| 999|
|Francis| 33| 178.4| 65| 999|
| George|28.2| 190| 90| NY|
- It would replace user-defined missing values, e.g.null or '999', etc.
df.replace_na_value(28.4, columns="Age").replace_value('999','NY',"State").show()
- The origin talbe is
| Name| Age|State|
| Aaron| 18| NY|
| Bob| 45| NJ|
| Chris|null| IL|
| Dan| 28| NY|
| Evans| 17| 999|
|Francis| 33| 999|
| George|null| NY|
- After replacing the valuses
| Name| Age|State|
| Aaron| 18| NY|
| Bob| 45| NJ|
| Chris|28.4| IL|
| Dan| 28| NY|
| Evans| 17| NY|
|Francis| 33| NY|
| George|28.4| NY|
- Convert String type to Date type as customized
- The orging table is:
| date_str|
- After converting, keep time
df.str_to_Date('date_str', 'date', stripTime=False, Inplace=False).show()
| date_str| date|
|03/25/1991|1991-03-25 00:00:00|
|11/24/2008|2008-11-24 00:00:00|
|09/30/1989|1989-09-30 00:00:00|
- After converting, without time
df.str_to_Date('date_str', 'date', stripTime=True, Inplace=False).show()
| date_str| date|
- After converting, replace the origin column, without time
df.str_to_Date('date_str', 'date', stripTime=True, Inplace=True).show()
| date|
- After converting, replace the origin column, with time
df.str_to_Date('date_str', 'date', stripTime=False, Inplace=True).show()
| date|
|1991-03-25 00:00:00|
|2008-11-24 00:00:00|
|1989-09-30 00:00:00|
- Calculate the years until now
df.age_calculator('date_str', 'age').show()
| date_str|age|
|1990-03-25| 28|
|2008-02-24| 10|
|1988-01-31| 30|
- Split the Date column into year/month/day (Int type)
df.Date_Spliter("date_str", "year", "month", "day").show()
| date_str|year|month|day|
|1990-03-25|1990| 3| 25|
|2008-02-24|2008| 2| 24|
|1988-01-31|1988| 1| 31|
|2017-09-25|2017| 9| 25|
|1994-12-25|1994| 12| 25|
|2020-11-30|2020| 11| 30|
- To using the text cleaning function, import from
from Greenday import data_format
tc = data_format(df)
- The following table containing special characters and punctuations
| cities|friends|
| Bogotá|John##!|
| New York| M@ãrk|
|São~Paulo| Mãrry|
| ~Madrid| 4$Tám|
- To clean all latin words through out the table, we done need to put any argument.
| cities|friends|
| Bogota|John##!|
|New York| M@ark|
|SaoPaulo| Marr!y|
| Madrid| 4$Tam|
- To clean punctuations for certain column:
- We would get a clean table as following
| cities|friends|
| Bogota| John|
|New York| Mark|
|SaoPaulo| Marry|
| Madrid| 4Tam|
- To using the clustering function, import from
from Greenday import data_format
cl = data_format(df)
- Here is the example of clustering, the following is origin table
|age| name|
| 15| John|
| 17| John|
| 12| Jahn|
| 16|Johnny|
| 15| Alice|
| 32| Alice|
| 32| Alux|
| 32| Alex|
| 39| Lily|
- To do the clustering, pick up a column and put into the fucntion as argument.
|age| name|prediction|
| 32| Alux| 0|
| 32| Alex| 0|
| 15| John| 1|
| 17| John| 1|
| 12| Jahn| 1|
| 16|Johnny| 1|
| 32| Alice| 2|
| 15| Alice| 2|
| 39| Lily| 3|
- Showing the intermadeiate resutl to user:
- Count number each group to user
| name|prediction|count|
| Alex| 0| 1|
| Alex| 0| 1|
| John| 1| 2|
| Jahn| 1| 1|
|Johnny| 1| 1|
| Alice| 2| 2|
| Lily| 3| 1|
- User can determine which words should be replaced or just leave it as before
- The result of replace the words by mostly appearing word in each cluster
replace the name
|age| name|prediction|replace_name|
| 32| Alux| 0| Alux|
| 32| Alex| 0| Alux|
| 15| John| 1| John|
| 17| John| 1| John|
| 12| Jahn| 1| John|
| 16|Johnny| 1| John|
| 32| Alice| 2| Alice|
| 15| Alice| 2| Alice|
| 39| Lily| 3| Lily|
- To using the outlier function, import from
from Greenday import outlier
out = outlier(df)
- Here is the example of outlier, the following is origin table
| 1| 1| 1|
| 1| 1| 1|
| 2| 1| 1|
| 2| 200| 200|
| 200|1000|1000|
- delete outlier
| 1| 1| 1|
| 1| 1| 1|
| 2| 1| 1|
| 2| 200| 200|
- replace outlier with mean value
| 1| 1| 1|
| 1| 1| 1|
| 2| 1| 1|
| 2| 1| 200|
| 1| 1|1000|
- To using the duplicates function, import from
from Greenday import duplicates
dup = duplicates(df)
- original dataframe
| 1| 1| 1|
| 1| 1| 1|
| 2| 1| 1|
| 2| 200| 200|
| 200|1000|1000|
- remove duplicated rows
| 200|1000|1000|
| 2| 200| 200|
| 1| 1| 1|
| 2| 1| 1|
- remove duplicated columns
| 1| 1|
| 1| 1|
| 2| 1|
| 2| 200|
| 200|1000|
- To using the scaler function, import from
from Greenday import scaler
sca = scaler(df)
- original dataframe
| 1| 1| 1|
| 1| 1| 1|
| 2| 1| 1|
| 2| 200| 200|
| 200|1000|1000|
- after conduct three ways of scaling method
|col1|col2|col3|col1_scaled| col2_scaled| col3_scaled|
| 1| 1| 1| 0.005| 0.0|0.002308537537423719|
| 1| 1| 1| 0.005| 0.0|0.002308537537423719|
| 2| 1| 1| 0.01| 0.0|0.002308537537423719|
| 2| 200| 200| 0.01|0.3983983983983984| 0.4617075074847438|
| 200|1000|1000| 1.0| 2.0| 2.308537537423719|