Green Day

Green Day is a data cleaning tookit for Spark. It's developed via Python and takes pyspark DataFrame as input.


  • Missing Value
  • Date Format
  • Text Cleaning
  • Clustering
  • Outlier
  • Duplicative Removing
  • Scaling


PySpark 2.3.0
Python 3.6.5

The way to use it

  1. Upload the greenday folder to the hdfs and the directory you're working on.
  2. Import the package as from greenday import * Then you can use all the modules under Green Day toolkit.
  3. The input must be a pyspark DataFrame
  4. The default setting is the whole dataframe. Users can choose just a subset of all columns as input argument.

Missing Value

  • To using the clustering function, import from Greenday package

from Greenday import missingvalue

df = missingvalue(df)

  • Represent an overview of the percentage of missing values


                     column name missing value percent
0                      RequestID                    0%
1                      StartDate                    0%
2                        EndDate                    0%
3                     AgencyName                    0%
4        TypeOfNoticeDescription                   81%
5            CategoryDescription                   84%
6                     ShortTitle                    0%
7     SelectionMethodDescription                   84%
8                    SectionName                    0%
9   SpecialCaseReasonDescription                   97%
10                           PIN                   84%
11                       DueDate                   91%
12              AddressToRequest                   91%
13                   ContactName                   91%
14                  ContactPhone                   91%
15                         Email                   95%
16                ContractAmount                   91%
17                    ContactFax                   97%
18        AdditionalDescription1                   15%
19       AdditionalDesctription2                  100%
20        AdditionalDescription3                  100%
  • Impute missing values or its equivalent by mean or median

|   Name| Age|Height|Weight|State|
|  Aaron|  18|   170|    77|   NY|
|    Bob|  45|   175|    59|   NJ|
|  Chris|null|   189|    88|   IL|
|    Dan|  28|   168|    99|   NY|
|  Evans|  17|  null|    99|  999|
|Francis|  33|  null|    65|  999|
| George|null|   190|    90|   NY|
  • Show the imputer


|   Name| Age|Height|Weight|State|
|  Aaron|  18|   170|    77|   NY|
|    Bob|  45|   175|    59|   NJ|
|  Chris|28.2|   189|    88|   IL|
|    Dan|  28|   168|    77|   NY|
|  Evans|  17| 178.4|    77|  999|
|Francis|  33| 178.4|    65|  999|
| George|28.2|   190|    90|   NY|
  • It would replace user-defined missing values, e.g.null or '999', etc.

df.replace_na_value(28.4, columns="Age").replace_value('999','NY',"State").show()

  • The origin talbe is

|   Name| Age|State|
|  Aaron|  18|   NY|
|    Bob|  45|   NJ|
|  Chris|null|   IL|
|    Dan|  28|   NY|
|  Evans|  17|  999|
|Francis|  33|  999|
| George|null|   NY|

  • After replacing the valuses
|   Name| Age|State|
|  Aaron|  18|   NY|
|    Bob|  45|   NJ|
|  Chris|28.4|   IL|
|    Dan|  28|   NY|
|  Evans|  17|   NY|
|Francis|  33|   NY|
| George|28.4|   NY|

Date Format

  • Convert String type to Date type as customized
  • The orging table is:
|  date_str|
  • After converting, keep time

df.str_to_Date('date_str', 'date', stripTime=False, Inplace=False).show()

|  date_str|               date|
|03/25/1991|1991-03-25 00:00:00|
|11/24/2008|2008-11-24 00:00:00|
|09/30/1989|1989-09-30 00:00:00|

  • After converting, without time

df.str_to_Date('date_str', 'date', stripTime=True, Inplace=False).show()

|  date_str|      date|
  • After converting, replace the origin column, without time

df.str_to_Date('date_str', 'date', stripTime=True, Inplace=True).show()

|      date|
  • After converting, replace the origin column, with time

df.str_to_Date('date_str', 'date', stripTime=False, Inplace=True).show()

|               date|
|1991-03-25 00:00:00|
|2008-11-24 00:00:00|
|1989-09-30 00:00:00|
  • Calculate the years until now

df.age_calculator('date_str', 'age').show()

|  date_str|age|
|1990-03-25| 28|
|2008-02-24| 10|
|1988-01-31| 30|
  • Split the Date column into year/month/day (Int type)

df.Date_Spliter("date_str", "year", "month", "day").show()

|  date_str|year|month|day|
|1990-03-25|1990|    3| 25|
|2008-02-24|2008|    2| 24|
|1988-01-31|1988|    1| 31|
|2017-09-25|2017|    9| 25|
|1994-12-25|1994|   12| 25|
|2020-11-30|2020|   11| 30|

Text Cleaning

  • To using the text cleaning function, import from Greenday package

from Greenday import data_format

tc = data_format(df)

  • The following table containing special characters and punctuations
|   cities|friends|
|   Bogotá|John##!|
| New York|  M@ãrk|
|São~Paulo|  Mãrry|
|  ~Madrid|  4$Tám|
  • To clean all latin words through out the table, we done need to put any argument.


|  cities|friends|
|  Bogota|John##!|
|New York|  M@ark|
|SaoPaulo| Marr!y|
|  Madrid|  4$Tam|
  • To clean punctuations for certain column:


  • We would get a clean table as following
|  cities|friends|
|  Bogota|   John|
|New York|   Mark|
|SaoPaulo|  Marry|
|  Madrid|   4Tam|


  • To using the clustering function, import from Greenday package

from Greenday import data_format

cl = data_format(df)

  • Here is the example of clustering, the following is origin table
|age|  name|
| 15|  John|
| 17|  John|
| 12|  Jahn|
| 16|Johnny|
| 15| Alice|
| 32| Alice|
| 32|  Alux|
| 32|  Alex|
| 39|  Lily|
  • To do the clustering, pick up a column and put into the fucntion as argument.


|age|  name|prediction|
| 32|  Alux|         0|
| 32|  Alex|         0|
| 15|  John|         1|
| 17|  John|         1|
| 12|  Jahn|         1|
| 16|Johnny|         1|
| 32| Alice|         2|
| 15| Alice|         2|
| 39|  Lily|         3|
  • Showing the intermadeiate resutl to user:
  • Count number each group to user
|  name|prediction|count|
|  Alex|         0|    1|
|  Alex|         0|    1|
|  John|         1|    2|
|  Jahn|         1|    1|
|Johnny|         1|    1|
| Alice|         2|    2|
|  Lily|         3|    1|
  • User can determine which words should be replaced or just leave it as before
  • The result of replace the words by mostly appearing word in each cluster
replace the name
|age|  name|prediction|replace_name|
| 32|  Alux|         0|        Alux|
| 32|  Alex|         0|        Alux|
| 15|  John|         1|        John|
| 17|  John|         1|        John|
| 12|  Jahn|         1|        John|
| 16|Johnny|         1|        John|
| 32| Alice|         2|       Alice|
| 15| Alice|         2|       Alice|
| 39|  Lily|         3|        Lily|


  • To using the outlier function, import from Greenday package

from Greenday import outlier

out = outlier(df)

  • Here is the example of outlier, the following is origin table
|   1|   1|   1|
|   1|   1|   1|
|   2|   1|   1|
|   2| 200| 200|
| 200|1000|1000|
  • delete outlier


|   1|   1|   1|
|   1|   1|   1|
|   2|   1|   1|
|   2| 200| 200|
  • replace outlier with mean value


|   1|   1|   1|
|   1|   1|   1|
|   2|   1|   1|
|   2|   1| 200|
|   1|   1|1000|


  • To using the duplicates function, import from Greenday package

from Greenday import duplicates

dup = duplicates(df)

  • original dataframe
|   1|   1|   1|
|   1|   1|   1|
|   2|   1|   1|
|   2| 200| 200|
| 200|1000|1000|
  • remove duplicated rows


| 200|1000|1000|
|   2| 200| 200|
|   1|   1|   1|
|   2|   1|   1|
  • remove duplicated columns


|   1|   1|
|   1|   1|
|   2|   1|
|   2| 200|
| 200|1000|


  • To using the scaler function, import from Greenday package

from Greenday import scaler

sca = scaler(df)

  • original dataframe
|   1|   1|   1|
|   1|   1|   1|
|   2|   1|   1|
|   2| 200| 200|
| 200|1000|1000|
  • after conduct three ways of scaling method




|col1|col2|col3|col1_scaled|       col2_scaled|         col3_scaled|
|   1|   1|   1|      0.005|               0.0|0.002308537537423719|
|   1|   1|   1|      0.005|               0.0|0.002308537537423719|
|   2|   1|   1|       0.01|               0.0|0.002308537537423719|
|   2| 200| 200|       0.01|0.3983983983983984|  0.4617075074847438|
| 200|1000|1000|        1.0|               2.0|   2.308537537423719|