
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Gomerce Backend Service

This is the backend for and open source ALX-T Udacity full-stack developer graduate project. It is the backend API for a B2B2C e-commerce web application


Our Pledge In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

We appreciate your time and effort made to support this project and so we have set out some guidelines to make this community effort worthwhile.

Informations on how best to contribute to this initiative can be found at the CONTRIBUTING.md


Python 3.9 or higher
PostgreSQL 13.* or higher - recommended


Development Environment

Install this extension Python from Microsoft on your code editor (VS Code) or it's equivalent for the editor you use, to allow you to use the same coding style with everyone.

Setup your linter to follow pycodestyle and your formatter to follow autopep8

Virtual environment

How to setup a python virtual environment

  • Create the virtual environment,

    python -m venv .venv
  • Activate the virtual environment

    • for windows
    • for Linux / macOS
    source .venv/bin/activate
  • Deactivate the virtual environment when you need to,


Install requirements

For local development

pip install -r requirements.txt

For production

pip install -r requirements-prod.txt

Set environment variables

  • Make a copy of the example.env file, and rename it to .env

  • Update the values of the variables in the .env file to suite your system environment.

  • Create a folder named logs in the root directory, if it does not exist

  • Create and accout on Mailjet to get your API_KEY and API_SECRET for development process. make sure to validate your EMAIL_SENDER_EMAIL on mailjet first

Datebase setup

Create databases

Create a Postgres database with the name matching what you have on the .env file for DB_NAME and TEST_DB_NAME. For example:

createdb gomerce
createdb gomerce-test

Export your flask app

In order to run your migrations and app using the flask command, expose your flask app:

  • for Linux / macOS
export FLASK_APP=src/server.py
  • for windows
    • On CMD
    SET FLASK_APP="src/server.py"
    • On BASH
    export FLASK_APP="src/server.py"

Create database tables from migrations

To add the existing database schema and dummy data to your datebase, run:

flask db upgrade

Make your database changes accessible to others using migrations

flask db migrate

Run server application

From the root folder, run

python src/server.py

The application will run at the specified port APPLICATION_PORT in .env file

The local URL to access the API should be http://localhost:3303/

You can visit the Products URL to test the application at http://localhost:3303/products

The API Swagger documentation should be accessible at http://localhost:3303/apidocs