oMuransky's Following
- JQFonsecaThe University of Manchester
- LLNLLivermore, CA, USA
- kilir
- karpathyStanford
- snl-dakota
- GregVernonCoreform LLC
- coreformllc
- lukepolson
- hugary1995Argonne National Laboratory
- reverendbedford@Argonne-National-Laboratory
- gsjaardemaSandia National Laboratories
- sandialabsUnited States
- ACME-MGAustralia
- DorianDepriesterArts et MĂ©tiers Institute of Technology
- EMsoft-orgCarnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh PA, USA
- tomflint22The University of Manchester
- tianjuxueThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- idaholabIdaho, US
- MarDiehl@kuleuven
- ngrilliUniversity of Bristol
- djm87Los Alamos National Laboratory
- jeffheatonReinsurance Group of America (@rgare)
- ralfHielscherTU Bergakademie Freiberg
- felixbartel