Based on Yii2 Framework + Composer, NPM, Bootstrap, LESS, Gulp
@author Ivan Volkov aka oOLokiOo
- Install Composer for your OS -
- Install Node.js & NPM for your OS -
- Project based on "yii2-app-basic" - (from Documentaion -
- From root project folder - run:
composer install
npm install
- Setup DB config & run migrations: edit - "/config/db.php" and from root project folder - run:
npm run migrate
- Add test Data to DB (for editable ajax table, by task requires)
From root project folder, repeatedly - run:
yii adduser
- Last steps:
npm run dev
Add root /web folder of the project to VHosts of your web server and run it in Browser. Test it and Enjoy! ;)
Links for test:
/index.php (Slicing + custom jQuery effect)
/?r=site/login (Registred Users List page block - Ajax Editable Table)
Homepage JS gallery custom script: