This is the CityLife Routing API. It includes both the back-end and a front-end responsive website for demo purposes.
A Node.js server with the following packages installed:
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Mongojs
- Request
- Polyline
- Querystring
These can all be installed by just running the following command from the source folder.
npm install
The GoogleMaps package is included in the lib folder due to some changes to its source code.
A MongoDB database.
Edit the following files:
- auth/citylife.example.js
- auth/dbconfig.example.js
Replace the X's and hardcoded strings correct strings.
Start your MongoDB database and then start the server with the following command:
node server.js
:base64 should be a Base64 encoding of username:password.
Returns information about that user, including a token needed for API calls which require authentication.
Example response:
{ "meta": { "code": 200, "message": {} }, "response": { "anonymous": false, "balance": 0, "email": "", "first_name": "user", "friends_count": 0, "image": "", "last_name": "test", "pending_count": 0, "token": "40f4aa62c3526dde90fcf35769155f69adc5749f", "user_id": 10004853, "vikingspots_channel": "spots" } }
Requires latitude and longitude as URL parameters.
Returns a list of nearby Spots.
Example response:
{ "meta": { "code": 200, "message": {} }, "response": { "data": { "items": [ { "description": "Nearby spots", "icon": { "image": "http://xxxx.png", "name": "nearby" }, "link": { "channel": "spots", "login_required": false, "params": { "id": xxxxx }, "type": "spotdetail", "view": "SpotDetail" }, "meta_info": { "distance": 0.023540002559, "distance_str": "24m", "latitude": xxxxxx, "longitude": xxxxx, "score": 0.748237 }, "title": "Spot Name", "mapspng": "http://xxxx.png" } ] }, "html": "", "title": "Nearby spots", "type": "list" } }
:id should be the Spot id as included in the json results of other API calls.
Returns detailed information about a Spot.
Example response:
{ "meta":{ "code":200, "message":{} }, "response":{ "always_closed":true, "always_open":false, "categories": [ { "id":xxxx, "sub_categories":[xx] } ], "city":"xxxxx", "country":"BE", "creator_id":xxxx, "description":"Sample description", "email":"xx@xx.xx", "id":xxxx, "images":{ "cover":{ "id":xxx, "link":"http://xxxx.jpg" }, "images":[] }, "latitude":xxxx, "longitude":xxxx, "name":"Spot name", "no_opening_hours":false, "opening_hours":[], "opening_hours_extra":"Closed in July", "owner_id":xxxx, "phone_number":"xxxxxxxxxx", "postal_code":"xxxx", "private":false, "slug":"xxxxx", "street":"Street name", "street_number":"1", "street_number_bus":"", "website":"" } }
Requires token and spot_id as URL parameters.
Checks a user in at a specific Spot.
Example response:
{ "meta": { "code": 200, "message": {} }, "response": { "background": false, "data": { "color": "15a4da", "message": "Yay, you've just checked in", "status": "ok", "spot_id": "xxxxxx" }, "html": "", "needs_long_poll": false, "title": "xxxxx", "type": "?" } }
Requires token, latitude and longitude as URL parameters.
Returns a list of spots relevant to a user and his location.
Example response:
{ "meta": { "code": 200, "message": {} }, "response": { "data": { "items": [ { "description": "Spot Name", "icon": { "color": "222222", "image": "http://xxx.png", "name": "xxx" }, "left_link": { "channel": "builtin", "login_required": false, "params": { "channel": "xxxxxxxx" }, "type": "list", "view": "Discover" }, "link": { "channel": "spots", "login_required": false, "params": { "id": xxxxxx }, "type": "spotdetail", "view": "SpotDetail" }, "meta_info": { "distance": 1.57320408075, "distance_str": "1km", "latitude": xxxxxx, "longitude": xxxxxx, "score": 1.651258 }, "title": "xxxxx", "mapspng": "http://xxxx.png" } ] }, "html": "", "title": "Hi xxxxxxx!", "type": "overviewlist" } }
Requires token, latitude, longitude and search_term as URL parameters.
Returns a list of spots relevant to a user and his location when provided with a search term.
Example response:
{ "meta": { "code": 200, "message": {} }, "response": { "background": false, "data": { "actions": [ { "description": "Can't find it? Create it!", "icon": { "color": "ffffff", "image": "http://xxxx.png", "name": "spot" }, "link": { "channel": "spots", "login_required": false, "params": {}, "type": "createspot", "view": "CreateSpot" }, "title": "Create a new spot" } ], "items": [ { "description": "Spot description", "icon": { "color": "ffffff", "image": "http://xxx.png", "name": "xxxx" }, "link": { "channel": "spots", "login_required": false, "params": { "id": xxxx }, "type": "spotdetail", "view": "SpotDetail" }, "title": "Spot Name" }, ] }, "html": "", "needs_long_poll": false, "title": "Search", "type": "?" } }
Requires spot_id as URL parameter.
Returns a list of Routes starting or ending at a specific spot.
Example response:
{ "meta": { "code": 200, "message": {} }, "response": { "routes": [ { "_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "description": "Another awesome route", "name": "Route name", "png": "http://xxx.png", "points": [ { "item": "xxxx" }, { "item": "xxxx" }, { "item": "xxxx" } ] } ] } }
:id should be the Route id as included in the json results of a GET or POST to /routes.
Returns the details of a Route, including detailed information about every Spot on the route.
Example response:
{ "meta": { "code": 200, "message": {} }, "response": { "name": "Thé route ;-)", "id": "51de7b2bcf0abdfa3a000001", "description": "Route description", "spots": [ // Array of GET /spots/:id ], "png": "http://xxx.png" } }
Requires channels (string of concatinated channel names seperated by a "|", which will be used to generate the route), token, latitude, longitude, spot_id (starting spot) and radius (in km).
Generates a route based on the starting spot, radius and chosen channels, personalized by profiling data of the CityLife API.
Example response:
// see GET /routes/:id
Requires :channelname (name of the CityLife channel which will be used to generate the route), token, latitude, longitude, spot_id (starting spot) and radius (in km).
Generates a route based on the starting spot, radius and chosen channel, personalized by profiling data of the CityLife API.
Example response:
// see GET /routes/:id
Requires form data in a json format, for example:
{ 'name':'Example Route', 'description':'A simple description', 'points': [ {'item':'137'}, {'item':'7'} ] }
Adds a route to the database and generates a static Google Maps png representation.
Example response:
see GET /routes/:id