
Project within open summer of code 2020. The FRIS Enricher enriches the metadata of the FRIS Flanders Research Portal (researchportal.be/) by creating new keywords for each publication or project.

Primary LanguagePython



File required to run the http server on Heroku.


Contains all dependencies of the python code. All required packages are in the "./venv" folder. Required by Heroku to run correctly the app on the Heroku server. It is required to update the file with new libraries every time new ones are added in any part the app.


Online http server: https://fris-enricher.herokuapp.com
The file that initializes the server is in ./API/http_server.py



It will return the enriched data for a project as response as JSON.
POST request with the following JSON body data structure:

  "uuid": "85dbe745-772d-472e-b5fa-3e6d36f966d4",  
  "keywordsEn": ["key1", "key2"],  
  "keywordsNl": ["key1", "key2", "key3"],  
  "abstractEn": "the en abstr",  
  "abstractNl": "the nl abstr",  
  "titleEn": "the english title",  
  "titleNl": "the dutch title"  


It will return the enriched data for a publication as response as JSON.
POST request with the following JSON body data structure:

  "uuid": "85dbe745-772d-472e-b5fa-3e6d36f966d4",  
  "keywordsEn": ["key1", "key2"],  
  "keywordsNl": ["key1", "key2", "key3"],  
  "abstractEn": "the en abstr",  
  "abstractNl": "the nl abstr",  
  "titleEn": "the english title",  
  "titleNl": "the dutch title",
  "doi": "https://the.doi"   


GET request:
It will serve the html file with all documentation of the project.


To compare our enriched keywords to the other keywords in the entire system we use the ./Utils/researchoutput_uuid_keywords.csv file. The functions to read from this file are in ./Utils/csv_reader.py. This is used in ./Strategies/NetworkRelation/keyword_dictionary.py to write two dictionaries to json files for memoization purposes. To maintain this, update the csv file and the functions in csv_reader.py and run the "compose_keyword_dictionary" function in ./Strategies/NetworkRelation/keyword_dictionary.py. This should re-generate the two dictionary jsons.


All unit tests are in ./Tests. The test names all start with test_ and they use the python unittest framework.