Week exercise: Test and CI
This exercise is about coding with TDD (coding your jUnit tests before implementing the methods you are testing) Feel free to code more than one test for a method if the method contains any logic
Create a maven web project and setup CI pipeline: *Make a new project in your favourite IDE and setup a pipeline with github actions so your project will be tested and deployed from github actions on every push to master branch. Hint: setup yaml file in .github/workflows folder
*Using TDD techniques (remember to add, commit and push whenever a test is green) you must code solutions to the following User Stories: (Hint just code and unit test mapper methods - not Servlets or jsp pages)
US1 As a user I want to see a list of all user on the system by their names only
US2 As a user I want to see details of a specific user from the list
US3 As a user I want to edit my own user details
Check continuously whenever you push to github that your project is being built, tested and deployed from github actions.