Telegram File Renamer Bot & 4Gb Rename With Upgrade PLan .

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


🤍 Thanks for Being Here 🤍


  • BOT_TOKEN - Get bot token from @BotFather

  • API_ID - From my.telegram.org

  • API_HASH - From my.telegram.org

  • OWNER - Admin user id.

  • DB_URL - Mongo Database URL from https://cloud.mongodb.com

  • DB_NAME - Your database name from mongoDB.

  • FORCE_SUBS - Your force sub channel username without @

  • BOT_PIC - start message photo.

  • STRING - If you want to rename 4GB+ files.

  • BOT_USERNAME - Add bot username without @

  • LOG_CHANNEL - A channel to log the activities of bot. Make sure bot is an admin in the channel.


Deploy To Koyeb


Deploy To Heroku



  • Renames very fast .
  • Support 4Gb Rename With Upgrade PLan .
  • Permanent Thumbnail support.
  • Force join for the user for use.
  • Supports Broadcasts.
  • Set custom caption.
  • Has a custom Start-up pic.
  • Force subscribe available.
  • Supports ulimited renaming at a time.
  • Deploy to Koyeb + Heroku + Railway.
  • Developer Service 24x7. 🔥


start - Check if the bot is running.
viewthumb - To view current thumbnail.
delthumb - To delete current thumbnail.
set_caption - set a custom caption.
see_caption - see your custom caption.
del_caption - delete custom caption.

ping - To Check Bot ping.
myplan - To view users current plan.

donate - To support developer.
upgrade - To view all plans with price list of BASIC - STANDARD - PRO.


users - Use This Command To See Total Users [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].

allids - Use This Command To See All Users IDs [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].
broadcast - Message Broadcast command [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].

warn - Use This Command To Send A Message To A User [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].
ceasepower - To Cease(downgrade) renaming capacity [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].
resetpower - To Reset renaming capacity (to default 2GB)  [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].
addpremium - To Upgrade user plan to BASIC - STANDARD - PRO  [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].

restart - Use This Command To Cancel All Process And Restart The Bot [FOR ADMINS USE ONLY].

🧡 Respecting... 🧡

🤩 Bots Channel

❣️ HxBots🔥