
package build files to make Ubuntu debs for OAE

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Installing OAE on Ubuntu from Packages

This method of installing OAE has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. The prefered method of getting a local instance of OAE is to use our Vagrant and puppet scripts.

Building new package versions

  • To push an update, you'll have to download the original sources from which to generate a diff. See the Hilary update section below as an example. If you perform an update of a project that is not documented here, please document it!
  • Copy the code that should go into the package into the appropriate source directory
  • cd in and run something like debchange -v <package name>_<version> to add an entry to the changelog
  • run debuild -S to build the changes file (if your package has binary files, this will be more difficult. See Hilary section below for an example of dealing with binary files)
  • cd up to the parent directory and run dput ppa:oae/deps <package name>_<version>_source.changes to put it in the PPA.