Docker container for supysonic the ingenious music server.
Clone this repository
Optionally setup a virtualenv
Install docker-compose
pip install docker-compose
Build supysonic docker image
docker-compose build
Setup the database
This repo comes with a sqlite configuration. You can change to mysql or postgres by editing supysonic.conf
sqlite3 ./data/supysonic.db < ./schema/sqlite.sql
Link your music folder
For example if you want to link to
ln -s ~/Music ./music
Create supysonic user and add music folders using supysonic-cli
docker-compose run supysonic supysonic-cli
Detailed instructions on the use of cli can be found supysonic's README
Start supysonic as daemon
docker-compose up -d
Connect to http://localhost:8000 and enjoy!
Supysonic exposes only a Subsonic compatible interface and thus it can by only used through apps that can connect to the API. I enjoy supysonic using DSub on Android (github repo with apks) and Jamstash on the web.