
DMVCFramework (for short) is a popular and powerful framework for web solution in Delphi

Primary LanguagePascalApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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DelphiMVCFramework 3.0.0-hydrogen is here!

DelphiMVCFramework Main Features

  • Simple to use, check the "Getting Started: 5 minutes guide" and you will be up and running in 5 minutes or less!
  • Project Roadmap is always public
    • More than 40 samples to learn all the features and be proficient and productive
  • RESTful (RMM Level 3) compliant
  • JSON-RPC 2.0 Support
  • Stable and solid, used by small/mid/big projects since 2010
  • Fast, fast, fast!
  • Support group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/delphimvcframework with more than 1400 active members
  • Can be used in load balanced environment
  • Wizard for the Delphi IDE. It makes DelphiMVCFramework even more simple to use!
  • Optional session support
  • JSON Web Token Support (JWT)
  • Extendable using middlewares (simple hooks to handle request/response)
  • Flexible yet simple to use, authorization/authentication framework based on industry standards.
    • HTTP Basic Authentication
    • JWT Authentication
    • Custom Authentication
  • CORS support
  • Controllers inheritance! You can define your own base controller and inherith from it.
  • Fancy URL with parameter mappings
  • Specialied renders to generate text, HTML, JSON.
  • Powerful and customizable mapper to serialize/deserialize data.
  • Can be packaged as stand alone server, apache module (XE6 or better) and ISAPI dll
  • Integrated RESTClient
  • Works with XE7, XE8, Delphi 10 Seattle, Delphi 10.1 Berlin, Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
  • Works on Linux (Delphi 10.2 Tokyo or better)
  • Completely unit tested
  • There is a sample for each functionality
  • There is a complete set of trainings about it, but the samples are included in the project
  • Server side generated pages using Mustache (https://mustache.github.io/) for Delphi (https://github.com/synopse/dmustache)
  • Specific trainings are available (email to professionals@bittime.it for a date and a place)
  • Messaging extension using ServerSentEvents
  • Automatic documentation through /system/describeserver.info
  • Driven by its huge community (Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/delphimvcframework)
  • Semantic Versioning
  • Simple and documented
  • Check the DMVCFramework Developer Guide (work in progress)

What users says about DMVCFramework

"DMVCFramework is a great framework. It's very intuitive, fast, easy to use, actually there is nothing more to ask for." -- Samir

"Wow! To do that in J2EE it takes 2 days" -- a training participant after a 5 minutes demo.

"I'm starting with the DMVCFramework and I'm finding it fantastic, congratulations for the project!" -- Rafael

"I'm looking at DMVCFramework project in it works great - for my use case scenarios is much better than 'Similar commercial product'." -- Luka

"It's fantastic! Just define your entities and you are up and running in 5 minutes. Nothing comparable on the market." -- Marco

What's New

3.1.0 lithium (currently in beta)

  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecord framework (check sample activerecord_showcase and activerecord_crud)
  • New! Added TMVCActiveRecordController (check sample activerecord_crud)
  • Automatic permissions handling for TMVCActiveRecordController (check sample activerecord_crud)
  • EntityProcessor for TMVCActiveRecordController (check sample activerecord_crud)
  • Config[TMVCConfigKey.FallbackResource] is served only if request path is empty or /.
  • New! Now the JSON-RPC executor provides methods to handle HTTP headers for JSON-RPC requests and notifications.
  • TDataSetHolder is a new render that is able to render a dataset with a set of custom metadata (eg count,page etc). Check issue #137
  • 404 and 500 status code returns always a text/plain content-type
  • Refactored ISAPI sample
  • Speed improvement! Removed enhanced visibility for action methods. Now only public and published methods can be used as actions.
  • TMVCController.Create is virtual! Now on your base controllers can be even more powerful!
  • New! Added method TMVCJsonDataObjectsSerializer.ListToJsonArray
  • New! TMVCResponse for handle generic (non error) response
  • New! TMVCErrorResponse for handle generic error response
  • New! Added class TMVCActiveRecordList used in the no-automatic TMVCActiveRecord programming
  • New! Added gzip compression support in addition to deflate in TCompressionMiddleware
  • FIX for issue #143
  • FIX for issue #141
  • Removed deprecated methods in IRESTResponse
  • FIX misspelled header name in IRESTResponse
  • New! Added gzip and deflate support in TRestClient when reading responses
  • TCompressionMiddleware has been renamed in TMVCCompressionMiddleware
  • New! TMVCCompressionMiddleware is added by IDE Expert by default

How to correctly get the source

It is not needed to download the git repository. Just download the latest version as zip file and you are ok.


DelphiMVCFramework roadmap is always updated as-soon-as the features planned are implemented. Check the roadmap here.

Trainings, consultancy or custom development service

As you know, good support on open source software is a must for professional users. If you need trainings, consultancy or custom developments on DelphiMVCFramework, send an email to dmvcframework at bittime dot it. Alternatively you can send a request using the contacts forms on bittimeprofessionals website. bit Time Professionals is the company behind DelphiMVCFramework, al the main developers works there.

Using mapping framework in Delphi Starter Edition

A lot of users ask about it, now is possible to use the mapper framework also in Delphi Started Edition. To enable the "StarterEditionMode" open sources\dmvcframework.inc and remove the dot (.) after the curly brace in the following line




Release Notes

3.0.0 (hydrogen)

  • First release of the 3.0.0 version

2.1.3 (lithium)

2.1.2 (helium)

  • FIX for Delphi versions who don't have TJSONBool (Delphi XE8 or older)
  • Added new conditional define in dmvcframework.inc: JSONBOOL (defined for Delphi Seattle+)

2.1.1 (hydrogen)

  • Updated the IDE Expert to show the current version of the framework
  • FIX to the mapper about the datasets null values (needs to be checked in old Delphi versions)
  • ADDED support for boolean values in datasets serialization
  • ADDED unit tests about Mapper and dataset fields nullability
  • The current version is available in constant DMVCFRAMEWORK_VERSION defined in MVCFramework.Commons.pas

Samples and documentation

DMVCFramework is provided with a lot of examples focused on specific functionality. All samples are in Samples folder. Check the DMVCFramework Developer Guide (work in progress).

Getting Started

Below the is a basic sample of a DMVCFramework server wich can be deployed as standa-alone application, as an Apache module or as ISAPI dll. This flexibility is provided by the Delphi WebBroker framework (built-in in Delphi since Delphi 4). The project containes an IDE Expert which make creating DMVCFramework project a breeze. However not all the Delphi version are supported, so here's the manual version (which is not complicated at all).

To create this server, you have to create a new Delphi Projects -> WebBroker -> WebServerApplication. Then add the following changes to the webmodule.

unit WebModuleUnit1;


uses System.SysUtils, System.Classes, Web.HTTPApp, MVCFramework {this unit contains TMVCEngine class};

  TWebModule1 = class(TWebModule)
    procedure WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
    procedure WebModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);

    MVC: TMVCEngine;

    { Public declarations }

  WebModuleClass: TComponentClass = TWebModule1;


{$R *.dfm}

uses UsersControllerU; //this is the unit where is defined the controller

procedure TWebModule1.WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
  MVC := TMVCEngine.Create(Self);
  MVC.Config[TMVCConfigKey.DocumentRoot] := 'public_html'; //if you need some static html, javascript, etc (optional)
  MVC.AddController(TUsersController); //see next section to know how to create a controller

procedure TWebModule1.WebModuleDestroy(Sender: TObject);


Remember that the files inside the redist folder must be in the executable path or in the system path. If starting the server whithin the IDE doesn't works, try to run the executable outside the IDE and check the dependencies. That's it! You have just created your first DelphiMVCFramework. Now you have to add a controller to respond to the http request.

Sample Controller

Below a basic sample of a DMVCFramework controller with 2 action

unit UsersControllerU;
   TUsersController = class(TMVCController)

    //The following action will be with a GET request like the following
    [MVCDoc('Returns a user as a JSON object')]
    procedure GetUser(id: Integer);

    //The following action will be with a GET request like the following
    [MVCDoc('Returns the users list as a JSON Array of JSON Objects')]
    procedure GetUsers;

    //The following action will be with a PUT request like the following
    //and in the request body there should be a serialized TUser
    [MVCDoc('Update a user')]    
    procedure UpdateUser(id: Integer);

    //The following action will respond to a POST request like the following
    //and in the request body there should be the new user to create as json
    [MVCDoc('Create a new user, returns the id of the new user')]
    procedure CreateUser;


  MyTransactionScript; //contains actual data access code
{ TUsersController }

procedure TUsersController.GetUsers;
  Users: TObjectList<TUser>;
  Users := GetUsers;
procedure TUsersController.GetUser(id: Integer);
  User: TUser;
  User := GetUserById(id);

procedure TUsersController.UpdateUser(id: Integer);
  User: TUser;
  User := Context.Request.BodyAs<TUser>;
  UpdateUser(id, User);
procedure TUsersController.CreateUser;
  User: TUser;
  User := Context.Request.BodyAs<TUser>;

Now you have a performant RESTful server wich respond to the following URLs:

  • GET /users/($id) (eg. /users/1, /users/45 etc)
  • PUT /users/($id) (eg. /users/1, /users/45 etc with the JSON data in the request body)
  • POST /users (the JSON data must be in the request body)

Quick Creation of DelphiMVCFramework Server

If you dont plan to deploy your DMVCFramework server behind a webserver (apache or IIS) you can also pack more than one listener application server into one single executable. In this case, the process is a bit different and involves the creation of a listener context. However, create a new server is a simple task:


  LServerListener: IMVCListener;
  LServerListener := TMVCListener.Create(TMVCListenerProperties.New


If you want to add a layer of security (in its WebModule you should add the security middleware):


procedure TTestWebModule.WebModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
  FMVCEngine := TMVCEngine.Create(Self);
  // Add Yours Controllers
  // Add Security Middleware
		procedure(const AUserName, APassword: string;
		  AUserRoles: TList<string>; var IsValid: Boolean; 
		  const ASessionData: TDictionary<String, String>)
		  IsValid := AUserName.Equals('dmvc') and APassword.Equals('123');

In stand alone mode you can work with a context that supports multiple listeners servers:


  LServerListenerCtx: IMVCListenersContext;

  LServerListenerCtx := TMVCListenersContext.Create;





Feel free to ask questions on the "Delphi MVC Framework" facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/delphimvcframework).