Disney's characters app

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App, using the Redux and Redux Toolkit template.

This project uses the Disney API (https://disneyapi.dev/). Disney API is a restful and GraphQL API based on Disney characters. Using this API you can get information on Disney characters.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

npm test

I have implemented some tests in components, but not for all cases, due to lack of time.

Imporant Notes:

  1. API doesn't support paging when you use filters (name and tvShow). This can lead to lagging if the count of results is very big.

  2. The user can't select the number of characters per page, because API doesn't support this capability. https://github.com/ManuCastrillonM/disney-api/blob/c3ed7510006689c57ae0197a3cbf35b228e21ecb/src/services/crud.js#L6


At 07/03/23, after I created it in as a new issue in disney-api, they fixed it and now dynamic page size is working properly. ManuCastrillonM/disney-api#25