
Some Ansible roles that my projects share

Primary LanguageShell


These are some roles which I have found to be helpful to me personally. Things will change and things will break . This is not really meant as a repository for someone else to rely on, but if there's something in here you can benefit from, so much the better.

Install roles as a submodule

git submodule add git@github.com:oalders/common-ansible-roles.git ansible/tasks/roles/common-roles
git commit -m "Add common ansible roles as submodule"
echo "ansible/tasks/roles" >> .gitignore

Install 3rd party roles from Ansible Galaxy

# cd to the top level of your repository (not the top level of the submodule)

Symlink to installer script

I like to link to this from my 'bin' directory in the top level of my repository

cd bin
ln -s ../ansible/tasks/roles/common-roles/bin/ansible-galaxy .