Typewriter sketch for controlling an electric brother typewriter. Can print from SD card or take computer keyboard input.
There are 8 + and 8 - pins in the typewriter, each connected to their dedicated transistors. When the Arduino opens two transistors (in a combination of + and - pins), a path is opened for the typewriter to read input and print a character. I mapped out all the characters for every combination of + and - inputs (there are 64, not including special characters that are activated with the shift key) and now have the Arduino controlled through serial input through a Processing program that takes my laptop keyboard input. There is an optional FilePrint sketch that allows you to print a txt file automatically with an SD card shield.
- filePrinter.ino: Arduino sketch allowing autonomous typing from .txt file stored in SD card.
- TypeWriter.ino: Arduino sketch used along with Typewriter.pde to use computer keyboard input to control the typewriter.
- utf.txt: sample file to be stored in an SD card. Note: a SEEED SD Card shield was used for this project, but any SD shield should do the job.
- pin mapping.png: my Brother Electronic typewriter's mapping to the control pins on the Arduino