The Collection

Challenge Description

The goal of this project is to summarize our current knowledge of the following topics:

  • HTML and CSS
  • Responsive design
  • JavaScript Basics
  • The DOM

The objective is to create a collection of items, applying the concepts learned in these areas.

Cocktail Collection Search

This project is a web application that allows users to search for cocktails from a collection based on their names. Users can enter a cocktail name in the search input, and the application will display the corresponding cocktail card if found.


-Search for cocktails: Users can enter the name of a cocktail they want to search for in the provided search input. -Display cocktail card: If a cocktail matching the search query is found in the collection, the application will display its details in a card format, including the name, picture, category, ingredients, measures, and instructions. -Responsive design: The application is designed to be responsive and compatible with different screen sizes and devices.

Technologies Used

-HTML: Used for the overall structure and layout of the web application. -CSS: Used for styling the application, including colors, fonts, and layout. -JavaScript: Used for implementing the search functionality and dynamically creating and displaying the cocktail cards. -FontAwesome: Used for the search icon in the search button.