Dark Kitchen Online Delivery Project - Fergelishos


This is a dynamic single-page restaurant menu application, built as part of the BeCode challenges. The application is designed for a Dark Kitchen online delivery service and includes a list of dishes that users can order online.

The team working on this project includes Oana, Louis and Florentina.


  • Responsive Design: The application is designed to work on both mobile and desktop resolutions.
  • Dish Listing: Each dish is listed with its own card, including details such as image, name, price, and description.
  • Dish Categorization: Dishes can be filtered based on categories.
  • Shopping Cart: Users can add dishes to a shopping cart, view the selected dishes, and see the total amount for delivery.
  • Dark Mode: A dark mode switch is provided, allowing users to toggle between light and dark modes.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript


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