
Some simulations to generate networks

Primary LanguageC++


Some simulations to generate networks

#Classes: Network -> vertex -> edges

  • Network class: Every Algorithm that generates a network should inherit from the Network class. Every network has vertexes and every vertex has edges.

    • operator[i] -> Return the ith Vertex
  • Vertex class: The vertexes have connections with other vertexes, those connections are stored inside the class edges.

    • operator[i] -> ith connected vertex
    • operator(i) -> ith edge
    • vertexes do not accept repeated edges
  • Edge class: A class that holds information of which is the owner vector an with which other vertex it has a connection. This object is need for adding properties to the connection between vertex.

Implemented Networks:




#Network Measures


Avarege Path Length


#How to use:

  • Link the lib with: -lnetmodels
  • The headers are under the folder network_models/