Pinned Repositories
Develop an ML model to streamline loan approval process. It predicts a client's suitability for loan approval using historical loan data, reducing human bias and enhancing efficiency.
This project is a Flask application utilizing machine learning to predict the selling price of cars based on various features such as age, mileage, and fuel type.
AI-powered chatbot with GPT-3.5 Turbo model for document analysis, modification, and image insertion. Backend uses Django REST API with MySQL and Firestore, and TensorFlow for unsupervised learning. Frontend is built with React, Vite, and JavaScript, featuring responsive design and two color modes.
A visually appealing and user-friendly landing page for an investment platform powered by artificial intelligence, designed to empower and educate users about smart investing.
A robust AI chatbot leveraging OpenAI's GPT model, capable of conducting dialogues, providing recommendations, and performing searches in diverse domains.
This repository hosts a Python script for creating a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for image classification, using TensorFlow and Keras. It includes data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation steps.
This repository contains Python scripts for Google Cloud Functions that are consumed by a web app in Cloud Run and interact with a MySQL database and Google BigQuery, providing data listing, copying and querying functionality.
This is the typical hangman game where you have to guess a word within a certain number of tries.
A robust end-to-end data pipeline for retail analytics, "RetailDataFlow" extracts, transforms, and loads data from multiple sources into a centralized data warehouse. It simplifies data management, enabling quick insights and effective decision-making.
This project focuses on database operations using SQL and NoSQL. It includes creating tables and indexes, writing complex queries, stored procedures for MySQL, and performing aggregation operations in MongoDB. We will be using a sample eCommerce database.
oardilac's Repositories
AI-powered chatbot with GPT-3.5 Turbo model for document analysis, modification, and image insertion. Backend uses Django REST API with MySQL and Firestore, and TensorFlow for unsupervised learning. Frontend is built with React, Vite, and JavaScript, featuring responsive design and two color modes.
A visually appealing and user-friendly landing page for an investment platform powered by artificial intelligence, designed to empower and educate users about smart investing.
A robust AI chatbot leveraging OpenAI's GPT model, capable of conducting dialogues, providing recommendations, and performing searches in diverse domains.
Develop an ML model to streamline loan approval process. It predicts a client's suitability for loan approval using historical loan data, reducing human bias and enhancing efficiency.
This is the typical hangman game where you have to guess a word within a certain number of tries.
To develop an electronic messaging platform for sending messages
A robust end-to-end data pipeline for retail analytics, "RetailDataFlow" extracts, transforms, and loads data from multiple sources into a centralized data warehouse. It simplifies data management, enabling quick insights and effective decision-making.
SARA is a comprehensive, AI-driven voice assistant capable of transcribing, interpreting, and responding to voice commands. It employs several APIs, including GPT-4 and SpeechRecognition, for high-performing voice recognition and language processing.
Examples of problems encountered through online resources, mentors and colleagues. In addition, their respective solutions to such programming challenges and algorithmic problems.
This repository hosts a Python script for creating a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model for image classification, using TensorFlow and Keras. It includes data preprocessing, model training, and evaluation steps.
This repository contains a fully-fledged Django web application for managing an internet café business. The project employs Django Rest Framework and JWT for secure APIs, enabling features like user sessions, payments, and reservations.
EcomStreamAnalysis is a comprehensive data processing pipeline that ingests, processes, and analyzes ecommerce search data. The project leverages Spark, Kafka, and Cassandra to conduct near-real-time processing, including joins with customer and location data, and product search aggregation. Docker is used to manage services.
This repository contains Python scripts for Google Cloud Functions that are consumed by a web app in Cloud Run and interact with a MySQL database and Google BigQuery, providing data listing, copying and querying functionality.
This project is a Flask application utilizing machine learning to predict the selling price of cars based on various features such as age, mileage, and fuel type.
This project focuses on database operations using SQL and NoSQL. It includes creating tables and indexes, writing complex queries, stored procedures for MySQL, and performing aggregation operations in MongoDB. We will be using a sample eCommerce database.
A comprehensive and multi-disciplinary machine learning and deep learning project that deals with breast cancer detection using PCA, SVC, Decision Tree, Random Forest, KNN and Neural Networks. Also features hyperparameter tuning, model serialization, and voting classifiers.
A Jupyter Notebook that trains a TensorFlow-based neural network on the Fashion-MNIST dataset, evaluates its performance, and exports the model for web-based deployment with TensorFlow.js.
A comprehensive approach to predict house prices utilizing advanced regression techniques. This project incorporates extensive exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, preprocessing, and sophisticated machine learning algorithms to ensure the highest predictive accuracy.
Un blog increíble para el curso de Git y Github de Platzi
This is the web app for the Vercel hackathon using the AI SDK
Come aboard the Titanic Survivors repository and take a deep dive into the world of machine learning. Explore the depths of the Titanic dataset, train logistic regression models, and test their survival instincts against the icy waters of the North Atlantic. Will your model sink or swim? Join us and find out!