
Error: failed to load base spec from <base> with error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: unmarshal errors

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mwithi commented

Despite locally it works perfectly with .deb from https://github.com/Tufin/oasdiff/releases/tag/v1.9.6 and same base and rev files, in GitHub Action I get:

Error: failed to load base spec from "openapi/oh.yaml" with error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: unmarshal errors:
  line 7991: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 7980
  line 8048: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8037
  line 8107: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8096
  line 8159: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8148
  line 8216: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8205
  line 8287: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8276
  line 8344: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8333


base: oh.yaml.txt (link)
rev: oh_rev.yaml.txt (link)

Note: I'm using my fork inspired by #19, but the error is the same with oasdiff/oasdiff-action/breaking@main

Despite locally it works perfectly with .deb from https://github.com/Tufin/oasdiff/releases/tag/v1.9.6 and same base and rev files, in GitHub Action I get:

Error: failed to load base spec from "openapi/oh.yaml" with error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: unmarshal errors:
  line 7991: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 7980
  line 8048: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8037
  line 8107: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8096
  line 8159: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8148
  line 8216: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8205
  line 8287: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8276
  line 8344: mapping key "empty" already defined at line 8333


base: oh.yaml.txt (link) rev: oh_rev.yaml.txt (link)

Note: I'm using my fork inspired by #19, but the error is the same with oasdiff/oasdiff-action/breaking@main

It is working for me, see:

  1. running action: https://github.com/oasdiff/oasdiff-action/actions/runs/6948164192
  2. PR including your specs: #22
  3. below the output from github:
mwithi commented

Thank you @effoeffi, any hint? maybe my yamel is wrong? Do you see something not correct?


Thank you @effoeffi, any hint? maybe my yamel is wrong? Do you see something not correct? https://github.com/mwithi/openhospital-api/blob/test-OH2-246_base/.github/workflows/openapi.yml


I did not check your fork.
May I ask, why do you prefer to work with a fork?

Hi @mwithi,
I noticed that the link to base above downloads oh.yaml.txt while your GitHub action output shows that you are comparing openapi/oh.yaml (not .txt).
Perhaps this is the problem?

mwithi commented

Hi @mwithi, I noticed that the link to base above downloads oh.yaml.txt while your GitHub action output shows that you are comparing openapi/oh.yaml (not .txt). Perhaps this is the problem?

@reuvenharrison no, I've renamed them .txt because otherwise GitHub won't accept the upload

mwithi commented

Thank you @effoeffi, any hint? maybe my yamel is wrong? Do you see something not correct? https://github.com/mwithi/openhospital-api/blob/test-OH2-246_base/.github/workflows/openapi.yml

I did not check your fork. May I ask, why do you prefer to work with a fork?

@effoeffi because I'm simulating contributions from other devs

mwithi commented

@effoeffi Or do you refer to my oasdiff fork? As I put in the Note: I'm using my fork inspired by #19, but the error is the same with oasdiff/oasdiff-action/breaking@main. Reverted to oasdiff now, with same result.

mwithi commented

@effoeffi Are these services still working? https://www.oasdiff.com/diff-as-a-service

mwithi commented
mwithi commented

Sorry my mistake: it turned out that the problem was in the base file initially provided in the repo and not in the generated revision which was really ok indeed. Lesson learnt: to always revise assumptions! ๐Ÿ˜…

Thank you all for the support and congrats for this great tool! ๐Ÿ‘

@effoeffi Are these services still working? https://www.oasdiff.com/diff-as-a-service

@mwithi Yes it is working. Please, join our community in slack, we will continue the conversation in there