GitHub action for comparing and detect breaking changes in OpenAPI specs
- 6
Getting an error 'Error: Unable to process file command 'output' successfully.' when running oasdiff/oasdiff-action/diff@main from main.
#50 opened by lioramazor - 2
- 13
error messages broken in v0.0.18
#46 opened by SCjona - 4
breaking output limited to one line
#42 opened by ssukienn - 0
Can't use action
#38 opened by ran-isenberg - 1
Diff action output has only one line
#35 opened by WiktorKryzia - 2
breaking output only shows one line
#34 opened by joaoluiznaufel - 1
Support `--exclude-elements`
#28 opened by y26805 - 0
- 9
Integrate oasdiff action output with github PR
#15 opened by effoeffi - 11
Error: failed to load base spec from <base> with error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: unmarshal errors
#21 opened by mwithi - 0
Allow to include path params
#16 opened by Pentusha - 2
Problem downloading the action
#14 opened by JFCote - 1