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Get pull secrets to be used by OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.x to pull images from registries that require authentication. This is done with your offline access token found at https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/token (login required), and according to the documentation found in the OCP install guides.

Note: As this role demonstrates, the offline access token can be used to grant anyone the ability to authenticate to APIs, such as api.openshift.com, as the owner of the offline access token. Protect this token as you would protect any other sensitive authentication information. All authentication-related tasks in this role are set to not log by default, but this can be altered if needed; see the Optional Role Variables below.

The resulting pull secrets are stored in an ansible fact for use in later plays, either in an OCP 4.x installation role or tasks. Note that because this role leaves it up to the calling user when and where (i.e. on which host) to generate the output fact, it makes no attempt at idempotence. If writing the ansible fact out to a file, the to_json filter must be used. By default, the output ansible fact is ocp_pull_secrets, but this can be customized if needed.

Example playbooks are provided below which demonstrates the proper use of the to_json filter, various ways to load the access token, and ways to invoke this role in an idempotent way based on output facts or files.


Ansible 2.7 or higher

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or equivalent

Valid Red Hat Subscriptions

Role Variables


  • ocp_pull_secrets_offline_token - Offline access token acquired from https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/token (login required), or an offline access token provided by the authentication service providing the ocp_pull_secrets_token_url if the default sso.redhat.com and api.openshift.com default services are not used.


  • ocp_pull_secrets_out_var - Name of the fact in which to store the gathered pull secrets JSON. Default ocp_pull_secrets.
  • ocp_pull_secrets_additional_auths - Dictionary of additional authorizations to inject into the gathered pull secrets, see usage example below. Default {} (empty dict).
  • ocp_pull_secrets_no_log - If true, prevent logging secrets to ansible output. Default true.
  • ocp_pull_secrets_token_url - OpenID token endpoint used to convert the offline access token into an authorization bearer token for use with the api endpoint URL. Default https://sso.redhat.com/auth/realms/redhat-external/protocol/openid-connect/token.
  • ocp_pull_secrets_api_url - API endpoint providing pull secrets for use by OCP. Default https://api.openshift.com/api/accounts_mgmt/v1/access_token.

Example Playbooks

Load access token from a file, write the pull secrets to a file

The basic workflow of generating the pull secrets file, expected to be run on a single host, such as an OCP installation bootstrap/bastion host.

- name: Load offline access token from file and write pull secrets to another file
  hosts: ocp_pull_secrets_host
    ocp_pull_secrets_offline_token: "{{ lookup('file', '/path/to/token.file') }}"
    - role: oasis_roles.ocp_pull_secrets
    - name: Write pull secrets out to a secret place
        # the to_json filter is required
        # if outputting for use in the OCP installer, do not indent the output
        # json, use the to_nice_json filter, or otherwise reformat it
        content: "{{ ocp_pull_secrets | to_json }}"
        dest: "/path/to/pull_secrets.json"
        # "become" and/or set file modes appropriately to keep the secrets safe

Load access token from environment, inject additional auths

Assuming that the environment variable OCP_OFFLINE_ACCESS_TOKEN_ENVVAR contains the entire offline access token string, and there are additional authorizations to inject:

- name: Load offline access token from the environment to get pull secrets to custom fact
  hosts: ocp_pull_secrets_host
    ocp_pull_secrets_offline_token: "{{ lookup('env' 'OCP_OFFLINE_ACCESS_TOKEN_ENVVAR') }}"
            email: user1@example.com
            auth: base64_encoded_auth_token
            email: user2@example.com
            auth: base64_encoded_auth_token
    - role: oasis_roles.ocp_pull_secrets

Note that the additional_auths structure, where the top-level key is the registry hostname to which to authenticate, and the value for that key is itself a dictionary containing the authentication information for that registry hostname, such as an email and related auth token.

Conditionally skip output fact generation if fact already set

This is one way to run this role idempotently, but the 'when' clause could be anything.

- name: Skip getting the pull secrets based on output fact
  hosts: ocp_pull_secrets_host
    ocp_pull_secrets_offline_token: 'your token here'
    - name: oasis_roles.ocp_pull_secrets
      # 'ocp_pull_secrets' is the default output fact name
      when: ocp_pull_secrets is undefined

Another option that would be stateful across Ansible Playbook runs would be writing the pull secrets fact to a file, and then only invoking the role when the output file does not exist:

- name: Skip getting the pull secrets based on output file
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false
    ocp_pull_secrets_no_log: false
    - name: Stat output file
        path: pull_secrets_output.json
      register: pull_secrets_file
    - name: oasis_roles.ocp_pull_secrets
      when: not pull_secrets_file.stat.exists





Author Information

Sean Myers sean.myers@redhat.com