
OASIS LegalRuleML TC: GitHub repository for developing and distributing good examples in order to share knowledge about the correct application of LegalRuleML standard



Members of the OASIS LegalRuleML TC create and manage technical content in this TC GitHub repository ( https://github.com/oasis-tcs/legalruleml ) as part of the TC's chartered work (i.e., the program of work and deliverables described in its charter).

OASIS TC GitHub repositories, as described in GitHub Repositories for OASIS TC Members' Chartered Work, are governed by the OASIS TC Process, IPR Policy, and other policies, similar to TC Wikis, TC JIRA issues tracking instances, TC SVN/Subversion repositories, etc. While they make use of public GitHub repositories, these TC GitHub repositories are distinct from OASIS TC Open Repositories, which are used for development of open source licensed content.


The purpose of this GitHub repository is to develop and distribute good examples in order to share knowledge about the correct application of LegalRuleML standard. The objective of the LegalRuleML TC is to extend RuleML with formal features specific to legal norms, guidelines, policies, and reasoning. The TC defines a standard (expressed with W3C XML-schema and Relax NG) that is able to represent the particularities of the legal normative rules with a rich, articulated, and meaningful markup language.

LegalRuleML should be used for as an intermediate language between norms/textual provisions and logical implementations of the norms/textual provisions. Ideally, a LegalRuleML serialisation of norms/textual provisions should be conceptual, in the sense that the representation is neutral (see examples at this link) and independent of any particular logic formalism or system for legal reasoning or implementation instructions. However, it is possible to write conformant LegalRuleML that is specific to a particular Logic.
The use cases below provide examples of conformant serialisation.

  • Use Case #1: The use case serialises GDPR, artt. 5(1)(a), 6(1)(a), 8(1), 12(7), using reified Input/Output logic [Robaldo and Sun, 2017].
  • Use Case #2: The use case serialises...
  • Use Case #3: The use case serialises...
  • Etc.


As stated in this repository's CONTRIBUTING file, contributors to this repository are expected to be Members of the OASIS LegalRuleML TC, for any substantive change requests. Anyone wishing to contribute to this GitHub project and participate in the TC's technical activity is invited to join as an OASIS TC Member. Public feedback is also accepted, subject to the terms of the OASIS Feedback License. The material in the repository does not constitute legal advice.


Please see the LICENSE file for description of the license terms and OASIS policies applicable to the TC's work in this GitHub project. Content in this repository is intended to be part of the LegalRuleML TC's permanent record of activity, visible and freely available for all to use, subject to applicable OASIS policies, as presented in the repository LICENSE file.

Further Description of this Repository

[Any narrative content may be provided here by the TC, for example, if the Members wish to provide an extended statement of purpose.]


Please send questions or comments about OASIS TC GitHub repositories to Robin Cover and Chet Ensign. For questions about content in this repository, please contact the TC Chair or Co-Chairs as listed on the the LegalRuleML TC's home page.