OASIS Virtual I/O Device TC: Source code for the VIRTIO (Virtual I/O) Specification maintained by the OASIS Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO) Technical Committee
- blitz@cyberus-technology
- btw616
- dadaobusi
- darstoGdansk, Poland
- dmd17Switzerland
- elmarcoRed Hat, Inc.
- ErnWongAuckland, New Zealand
- erthalionRed Hat
- garry-xBeijing, China
- hongjiujingChina
- jensfrRed Hat
- jiegec
- jinlingyiShenyang
- jonathan-beardAustin, Texas
- JonReppDirectOneDesignDirectOneDesign
- jpbrucker
- kenelite@Bytedance
- kevinyuan
- kstenerudSmartbear
- lazychipDelhi
- liwei@hyperhq
- lix7721
- ljmccarthyLeeds, United Kingdom
- llnullllnull
- martinellimarco
- maxbruecklRegensburg
- OhmSpectator@zededa
- qingmin-liu
- rglLisbon, Portugal
- rhiswellUSTC
- webjj
- xiaobo55xIntel
- y00218434
- YamboZhouChina
- ykormanPlexistor
- zjuxlh1993