
NG makes it easy and fast to build beautiful web apps

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Widget based renderer for web application.

This project is written using pure typescript with no third party.

Tree shake is supported by default

Why use ng?

These are the reasons you should use ng for your next project

Write views using javascript only, I hate HTML

    import { Widget, Column } from "@ng";

    import { Scaffold, MaterialApp } from "@ng/material";

    export class HomeView extends Widget {
            return new Scaffold({
                body: MaterialApp({
                    appBar: new AppBar(),
                    home: new Column({
                        children: [],

Reactive Widgets with pure javascript

NG support reactive widget states


Listen to value change and rerender a widget. Make sure ValueListener is used for the deep child to prevent expensive rerendering

    import { ValueNotifier, ValueListener } from "@ng";

    export class HomeView extends Widget {
        /// Only the Text widget is rerendered

        counter = new ValueNotifier(0);

            return new Column({
                children: [
                    new ValueListener(this.counter, {
                        build: (context, value) => {
                            return new Text(value);
                    new Button({
                        child: new Text("Click me"),
                        onClick: () => {
                            this.counter.value += 1;


Observable use observables with list view

    import { Observable, ObservableWidget } from "@ng/reactive";

    const users = new Observable <User[]>([]);

    new ListView.reactive({
        observable: users,
        itemBuilder: (user) => {
            return new GestureDetector(new Text(user.username), {
                onClick: (event) => {

    new Button(new Text("Add new user"), {
        onClick: () => {
            this.users.add({ username: "Caleb is a genius" })

Styling made easier with js

    new Text("Hello world in NG", {
        style: {
            color: "red"


Provide theme information to child or parent widgets. Parent widgets are used as default for child predecessors

    import { ThemeData } from "@ng/widgets";

    new ThemeData(new Column({}), {
        theme: new Theme({
            iconTheme: new IconTheme({
                size: new Size(24, 24),
            textTheme: new TextTheme({
                largeText: new TextThemeData({
                    fontSize: 24,
                    fontFamily: 32,


Library still in development, join our open source community now or raise suggestions in the discussion tab

Project structures might change later in future Or restart project with more concise structure