
Repository of DAta BAse of Metrology (DABAM)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Repository of DAta BAse of Metrology (DABAM) [1]

Data directory containing the DABAM data

The python code to access these data (dabam.py) is: https://github.com/oasys-kit/SR-xraylib/blob/master/srxraylib/metrology/dabam.py

DABAM: an open-source database of x-ray mirrors metrology

DABAM: an open-source database of x-ray mirrors metrology to be used with SHADOW or any other ray-tracing and wave propagation codes that can simulate the effect of the surface errors on the performance of a beamline.

We are seeking for collaborations with synchrotron facilities and metrology laboratories who can join the initiative by submitting mirror metrology files in order to upgrade this database.

Please use the Issues tab in this github repository for submitting datafiles, comments, ideas, contributions, etc.

[1] Manuel Sanchez del Rio, Davide Bianchi, Daniele Cocco, Mark Glass, Mourad Idir, Jim Metz, Lorenzo Raimondi, Luca Rebuffi, Ruben Reininger, Xianbo Shi, Frank Siewert, Sibylle Spielmann-Jaeggi, Peter Takacs, Muriel Tomasset, Tom Tonnessen, Amparo Vivo, Valeriy Yashchuk (2016) DABAM : an open-source database of X-ray mirrors metrology Journal of Synchrotron Radiation 23 665-678 http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S1600577516005014