Tao dependency resolver

Resolves the dependency requirement tree from manifest.php in each extension needed.

Default result is to displays a corresponding composer.json require array. If you need to write this to a file, just redirect the standard output.

Now works with both extension names and repository names.

A more extensive explanation of the problematics and solutions is exposed in the documentation.


Clone this repository.

Install dependencies :

$ composer install

Minimal PHP version required: 7.1

PHP extensions required: php7.1-xml, php7.1-mbstring


Create a .env file in the root directory with your github token and organization name (you can copy and populate the existing .env.dist template file). You need to provide a valid GitHub token with "repo" access rights.

The tools

There are two tools in this repository:

Dependency resolver

Read more about this tool here.

$ php bin/console oat:dependencies:resolve [--repository-name <repository name> | --extension-name <extension name>] [--main-branch <main repository branch>] [--dependency-branches <dependency branches>] [--repositories] [--file <path to composer.json>]
  • main repository name: repository name, e.g. "oat-sa/extension-tao-testqti" of the repository to resolve.
  • main extension name: "manifest name", e.g. "taoQtiTest" of the extension to resolve.
  • main repository branch: the branch of the extension to be resolved.
  • dependency branches: desired branches to download include for each dependency. In the form of "extensionName1:branchName1,extensionName2:branchName2,...", e.g. "tao:develop,taoQtiItem:fix/tao-1234,generis:10.12.14". Branches for all non given extensions will default to "develop".
  • repositories: flag to indicate that composer repositories information must be included. In case of private repositories, ssh authentication must be set up to use the generated composer.json file.
  • file: when given, the command will generate the composer.json into this file along the stdout. The target need to be writeable, and can be either a relative or absolute path. For instance, --file output/composer.json will generate the composer.json in the output directory (within the current working directory).

Only one of the two options repository-name and extension-name must be provided.

Usage examples

Resolve dependencies for repository oat-sa/extension-tao-items with no branch specified (defaults to develop) and write the result to /dest/dir/composer.json with verbose output:

php bin/console oat:dependencies:resolve --repository-name oat-sa/extension-tao-items > /dest/dir/composer.json -vv

Will display the following in the console:

app.INFO: Resolving dependencies for repository "oat-sa/extension-tao-item".
app.INFO: Retrieving oat-sa/extension-tao-item/develop/manifest.php
app.INFO: Resolving dependencies for repository "oat-sa/extension-tao-backoffice".
app.INFO: Retrieving oat-sa/extension-tao-backoffice/develop/manifest.php
app.INFO: Resolving dependencies for repository "oat-sa/tao-core".
app.INFO: Retrieving oat-sa/tao-core/develop/manifest.php
app.INFO: Resolving dependencies for repository "oat-sa/generis".
app.INFO: Retrieving oat-sa/generis/develop/manifest.php

And write the following to /dest/dir/composer.json:

    "require": {
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-item": "dev-develop",
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-backoffice": "dev-develop",
        "oat-sa/tao-core": "dev-develop",
        "oat-sa/generis": "dev-develop"

Resolve dependencies for extension taoQtiTest with main branch feature/tao-1234, branch feature/tao-1234 for tao, branch master for generis and display the result to console:

php bin/console oat:dependencies:resolve --extension-name taoQtiTest --main-branch feature/tao-1234 --dependency-branches tao:feature/tao-1234,generis:master

Will display the following in the console:

    "require": {
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-testqti": "dev-feature/TAO-7304-CSRF-timed-token-pool",
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-itemqti": "dev-develop",
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-item": "dev-develop",
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-backoffice": "dev-develop",
        "oat-sa/tao-core": "dev-feature/TAO-7304-CSRF-timed-token-pool",
        "oat-sa/generis": "dev-master",
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-test": "dev-develop",
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-delivery": "dev-develop",
        "oat-sa/extension-tao-outcome": "dev-develop"

Requiring a non-existing branch will result in a exception both for main repository and dependencies:

php bin/console oat:dependencies:resolve --repository-name oat-sa/tao-core --main-branch foo
  Unable to retrieve reference to "oat-sa/tao-core/foo".
php bin/console oat:dependencies:resolve --repository-name oat-sa/tao-core --dependency-branches generis:bar

  Unable to retrieve reference to "oat-sa/generis/bar".

Trying to resolve dependencies for unknown repository will result in a exception:

php bin/console oat:dependencies:resolve --repository-name oat-sa/tao-foo

  Unknown repository "oat-sa/tao-foo".  

Trying to resolve dependencies for unknown extension will also result in a exception:

php bin/console oat:dependencies:resolve --extension-name extension-tao-bar

  Extension "extension-tao-bar" not found in map.  

But if it is a newly added extension, it may just not be in the extension map. If this is the case, you can update the extension map with the second tool:

php bin/console oat:repositories:update --reload-list

Repository lister

Read more about this tool here.

This tool reads every oat-sa repositories in Github and maintains the map of extension name to repository name.

/!\ This is not needed each time, there is an up-to-date map currently provided in <project config dir>/repositoryMap.json and it is quite time consuming...

Update repositories

Reads and analyzes repositories from Github.

$ php bin/console oat:repositories:update [--reload-list] [--limit limit]
  • --reload-list : reloads the list of oat-sa repositories in addition to analyzing every repository
  • limit : number of repositories to analyze at a time

Dump repository list

Dumps the repository map to a CSV file for human reading and analysis.

$ php bin/console repositories:dump [-f filename]
  • filename : CSV filename. Defaults to <project root dir>/repositories.csv