
Example project how-to use oatpp-libressl submodule. HTTPS async server.

Primary LanguageC++

TLS-LibreSSL Example Build Status

Example project of how-to use oatpp-libressl module.

  • Serve via HTTPS
  • Make client calls via HTTPS.
  • Using oatpp Async API.

See more:


This project is using oatpp and oatpp-libressl modules.

Project layout

|- CMakeLists.txt                        // projects CMakeLists.txt
|- src/
|    |
|    |- controller/                      // Folder containing Controller where all endpoints are declared
|    |- client/                          // HTTP client is here. Used in "proxy" endpoint /api/get
|    |- dto/                             // DTOs are declared here
|    |- AppComponent.hpp                 // Service config
|    |- App.cpp                          // main() is here
|- test/                                 // test folder
|- utility/install-oatpp-modules.sh      // utility script to install required oatpp-modules.
|- cert/                                 // folder with test certificates 

Build and Run

Using CMake


  • LibreSSL installed. You may refer to this sh script - how to install libressl - install-libressl.sh.
    Or try something like $ apk add libressl-dev

  • oatpp and oatpp-libressl modules installed. You may run utility/install-oatpp-modules.sh script to install required oatpp modules.

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make 
$ ././example-libressl-exe  # - run application.

In Docker

$ docker build -t example-libressl .
$ docker run -p 8443:8443 -t example-libressl

Configure AppComponent

Configure server secure connection provider

 *  Create ConnectionProvider component which listens on the port
OATPP_CREATE_COMPONENT(std::shared_ptr<oatpp::network::ServerConnectionProvider>, serverConnectionProvider)([] {
  /* non_blocking connections should be used with AsyncHttpConnectionHandler for AsyncIO */
  auto config = oatpp::libressl::Config::createDefaultServerConfig("cert/test_key.pem", "cert/test_cert.crt");
  return oatpp::libressl::server::ConnectionProvider::createShared(config, 8443, true /* true for non_blocking */);

Configure client secure connection provider

OATPP_CREATE_COMPONENT(std::shared_ptr<oatpp::network::ClientConnectionProvider>, sslClientConnectionProvider) ([] {
  auto config = oatpp::libressl::Config::createShared();
  return oatpp::libressl::client::ConnectionProvider::createShared(config, "httpbin.org", 443);


"Hello Async" root endpoint with json response

ENDPOINT_ASYNC("GET", "/", Root) {

  Action act() override {
    auto dto = HelloDto::createShared();
    dto->message = "Hello Async!";
    dto->server = Header::Value::SERVER;
    dto->userAgent = request->getHeader(Header::USER_AGENT);
    return _return(controller->createDtoResponse(Status::CODE_200, dto));



$ curl -X GET "https://localhost:8443/" --insecure
{"user-agent": "curl\/7.54.0", "message": "Hello Async!", "server": "oatpp\/0.19.1"}

Async proxy endpoint to https://httpbin.org/get

ENDPOINT_ASYNC("GET", "/api/get", TestApiGet) {


  Action act() override {
    return controller->myApiClient->apiGetAsync().callbackTo(&TestApiGet::onResponse);

  Action onResponse(const std::shared_ptr<IncomingResponse>& response){
    return response->readBodyToStringAsync().callbackTo(&TestApiGet::returnResult);

  Action returnResult(const oatpp::String& body) {
    return _return(controller->createResponse(Status::CODE_200, body));



$ curl -X GET "https://localhost:8443/api/get" --insecure
  "args": {}, 
  "headers": {
    "Connection": "close", 
    "Host": "httpbin.org"
  "origin": "", 
  "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"