
Learning React + Rails development through creating a simple Solitaire browser game.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Travis CI Build Status: Master Coveralls Coverage Status: Master Code Climate Status: Master Known Vulnerabilities - Server Known Vulnerabilities - Client Inch Inline Docs Status: Master

Learning React + Rails development through creating a simple Solitaire browser game.

Setting up the project

First, install Ruby Version Manager - RVM and Node Version Manager - NVM to allow for Ruby and Node to be installed.

From the base project directory, run rvm use $(< .ruby-version) --install && nvm install && nvm use to install the versions of specified in .ruby-version and .nvmrc respectively.

For managing Node packages, install Yarn.

To install dependencies, run cd server/ && bundle install && cd ../client && yarn install && cd ../

Use rake secret to generate the secret_key_base values for development and test in server/config/secrets.yml. This file is in the .gitignore for the project so you will have to do this for each new clone of the repository.

Running the project

Foreman is used to synchronise the execution of the Rails and React Webpack servers.

Execute this command from the base project directory to start the React Webpack server on port 3000 and the Rails server on port 3001:

foreman start -f Procfile.dev -p 3000


Travis CI configuration

This project uses Snyk to determine when security vulnerabilities have been found in relevant dependencies. See CI Integration | Snyk for information on how to set this up with Travis. Provide a value for SNYK_TOKEN as per the instructions to allow Snyk to run during the CI process. Make sure the 'Display in logs' flag is set to OFF when configuring the environment variable.


Building the project for deployment

This section is WIP

Run yarn run build from the client/ directory to generate a build/ folder containing the compiled project assets, these static files may then be served via a HTTP server for access by end users on the web.

The environment serving both the built React content and the Rails API must support HTTPS to ensure security for end users. HTTPS is forced for the Production Rails API configuration.

Environment variables

See Production.rb, these environment values must be set on both the machine running the server and any workers processing jobs:

  • URL_HOST - E.g. 'example.com', used for link generation in the app and mailers.
  • PORT - E.g. '3000', used for link generation and for configuring the application server.
  • NODE_ENV - E.g. 'production', used to configure React and Webpack generation.
  • SECRET_KEY_BASE - See server/config/secrets.yml, generate this value with rake secret from the server/ folder.

References & Acknowledgements

The React component of this project was created using a base of Facebook's create-react-app.

The Rails and React interop was build with reference to the fullstackreact.com article titled How to get "create-react-app" to work with your Rails API.

Playing card vector images from: Google Code Archive: vector-playing-cards