
Readable is the second React project made for the React Udacity Nanodegree program.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


📜 Readable is the second React project made for the React Udacity Nanodegree program. I tried to mimic the Medium styles.

alt text


You can use and access the project at: https://readable.surge.sh/

How to use locally

Clone the repository to a folder of your choice, redirect to the cloned repository and execute the following command:

yarn install

After the installation of the libs and dependencies, start the project executing the command:

yarn start

Go the api-server folder, and run the api server

node server


The project is organized in the following way:

  • src
    • components
    • containers
    • actions
    • images
    • reducers
    • index.js
    • index.scss


Below we can see all the libs used in the project:

Name Function
axios Client to execute HTTP requests
redux Conteiner de estado previsível
redux-thunk Middleware para requisições assincronas
react-redux Ligação do React com Redux
react-router-dom Criador de rotas
react-icons Bunch of icons for react
react-spinners Lib for loading spinners


MIT © 2018

Build tool

This project was created using the Create React App.