
A Ruby wrapper for the OAuth 2.0 protocol.

MIT LicenseMIT

OAuth 2.0 Logo by Chris Messina, CC BY-SA 3.0 Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby Visual Identity Team, CC BY-SA 2.5

Ruby OAuth 2 has moved to GitLab

Please update references: https://gitlab.com/oauth-xx/oauth2/

If you have the project checked out, simply:

git remote set-url origin git@gitlab.com:oauth-xx/oauth2.git

We also took the opportunity of the migration to switch the default branch from master to main.

Changes are still being pushed back to the Github branches 1-4-stable and main, but please update dependencies to reference released versions or the new Gitlab source host.

  • Source Code: Gitlab
  • RubyDoc Documentation: RubyDoc.info
  • Mailing List/Google Group: Mailing List
  • Live Chat on Gitter: Join the chat at https://gitter.im/oauth-xx/oauth-ruby
  • Maintainer's Blog: Blog