- ablekhGartner Inc.
- alexmerrillWashington State University Libraries
- atla5@lib-re
- bnclt
- braham-snyder
- brierjon@InteractionEcologies
- corychainsmanBoston, MA
- delucis@withastro
- devinbergUniversity of Wisconsin - Stout
- djmoffat
- ebtran
- eppfelAalto University
- filipeamoreiraCoderelax
- jaranta
- jasonpriemImpactstory
- jibe-b
- JosephMcArthur@OAworks
- kba@OCR-D @StaatsbibliothekBerlin
- kerphiAbes
- linx1337Charlottesville, Virginia
- LorenzoAncoraFree Software Database
- lukasschwabBerkeley, California
- lyndalopez544
- merbst@DandelionLabs Foundation Internet Literacy Mentoring Inspiring Collaboration Across Oceans with Open Content
- mwaitzman'merica
- psyburrRay’s Boom Boom Room
- pwabGermany
- richdouglasevansOxford, England
- RogerVerhoevenAmsterdam,The Netherlands,Europe
- rowanelizabeth
- serena1985
- terrascura@Microsoft
- weskerfootCanada
- wetnebInfAI / Kanthaus
- zmughalWashington, D.C. - Baltimore, Maryland area, United States of America, Earth, Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha