nginx 1.17.2 php 7.3.8


This is a Dockerfile to build a debian based container image running nginx and php-fpm 7.3.x / 7.2.x / 7.1.x / 7.0.x & Composer.


Docker Tag GitHub Release Nginx Version PHP Version Debian Version
latest master Branch 1.17.2 7.3.8 buster

How to use this repository

The build is automatically triggered by a git push to your feature/[branch]

First clone the repository to your workstation

$ git clone
$ cd frontend-propitix

Create a feature branch. # Always start with feature/[name of your branch]

git branch -b feature/add-css-style-to-about-us-page

Update the application code in


Then add/commit/push to gitlab

git status # to see your changes
git add --all # If you are satisfied with your changes and willing to push everything. Otherwise, select only the files to add
git commit -m "Put some message about this push here"

Push your changes to gitlab, and merge to dev branch

git push --set-upstream origin feature/[Your branch name]

Validate your changes have been triggered by gitlab-ci in

[propitix-scm] (

Check the image have been pushed to

[Google Container Registry] ( (Depending on the environment. Either non-prod or prod)

pulling the image

docker pull$environment/frontend-propitix:$tag-version

Running (You can do this step without the pulling the above as it will put down if not found locally)

To run the container:

$ docker run -d$environment/frontend-propitix:$tag-version

Default web root:


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