
CodeUML nodejs version

Primary LanguageJavaScript

CodeUML - draw UML diagram as fast as you can type

CodeUML offers a nice Web UI over PlantUML service, that helps you quickly draw UML diagrams.



First you have run the PlantUML service and expose it as a HTTP service that CodeUML can hit.

Get this service and run it: https://github.com/bitjourney/plantuml-service

Then you configure the following environment variables (probably put in an .env file):

PLANTUML_API_URL=https://<url of the plantuml service>/svg
SUBTITLE=For internal use only
FOOTER=For internal use only

The important one is the PLANTUML_API_URL. This is where you specify the endpoint of the PlantUML service that you are running.

Make sure the /svg path is there.

CodeUml uses Azure Blob Storage to save/load the UML files. You can run CodeUML without Azure. You just won't be able to save/load diagrams.