
This bolt extension adds an audio field type to Bolt CMS. The audio preview defaults to a Waveform player with a fallback to an HTML5 Audio Element.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HTML5 Audio

This extension adds an audio field to Bolt CMS which produces either a Waveform player, or falls back to an HTML5 Audio Element. Please edit config options to suit your needs before using this extension.

Configuration (app/config/extensions/html5-audio.cainc.yml)

The allowed-filetypes configuration key lets you add additional file types to the allowed-filetypes array. The enabled key allows you to enable the javascript and canvas based waveform player. By setting false, it will use the html5 audio element.

Accepted Types are the audio file types that you wish to allow. Keep in mind that this will not override any browser compatabilities allowed-filetypes:

  • mp3
  • wav
  • ogg
  • m4a

Setting the Enabled option to false for Waveform will cause the extension to use standard HTML5 audio element instead. waveform: enabled: true


Contenttypes.yml (Add Field to Pages labeled as Audio...)

    name: Pages
    singular_name: Page
            type: text
            class: large
            group: content
            type: slug
            uses: title
            type: image
            type: audio
            type: html
            height: 150px
            type: html
            height: 300px
            type: templateselect
            filter: '*.twig'
    taxonomy: [ chapters ]
    recordsperpage: 100

Twig Function (Theme Template)

In this example, the name of the field on the backend is audio. The second parameter passed in the twig function is the fieldname. By passing this, it ensures that the proper field will be referenced from the player:

    {{ audioPlayer(record.audio, 'audio')|raw }}


In the spirit of keeping up with the all important i18n, we have attempted to cover all language support for the plugin that could come up. If there is a translation listed here that is not verified or missing, please feel free to contribute or verify for us.

  • Chinese
  • Czech
  • German - Translation Verified
  • English - Translation Verified
  • Spanish - Translation Verified
  • French
  • Hindi - Translation Verified
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Dutch - Translation Verified
  • Polish
  • Portuguese - Translation Verified
  • Russian
  • Swedish - Translation Verified


If you run into issues or need a new feature, please open a ticket over at: https://github.com/ca-team-sulley/bolt-extension-html5-audio/issues

Or feel free to fix it yourself, pull-requests are welcome =)