Grafana Users Manager

This is a simple app to automate creating users in grafana from a config file.

Building and running


docker run -d -v config.yml:/src/config.yml oba11/grafana-users-manager


docker run -d -v config.yml:/config/config.yml -e CONFIG_PATH=/config/config.yml oba11/grafana-users-manager


Environment variables GRAFANA_ADMIN_USERNAME and GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD must be set.

The configuration is in YAML, with an example here with grafana_root_url default to http://localhost:3000 if not specified in the configuration file.

grafana_root_url: http://localhost:3000
- username: user1
  password: pass1
- username: user2
  password: pass

To do

  • Update user role
  • Delete users