New Relic Haproxy monitoring Plugin

Repurposed from to work with Docker


docker run -d oba11/newrelic-haproxy-agent

Supported environment variables

APP_NAME: This is the newrelic application name, default is my-haproxy.
STATS_URL: URI of the haproxy CSV stats url, default is;csv.
PROXY_NAME: The name of the proxy to monitor, check your haproxy stats page, default is http_80.
PROXY_TYPE: The type of the proxy to monitor (ex: 'frontend' or 'backend'), default is backend.
AUTH_USER: The username if the status page is protected under basic authentication.
AUTH_PASS: The password if the status page is protected under basic authentication.

The New Relic Haproxy Plugin enables monitoring of HAProxy – a TCP/HTTP load balancer – and reports the following data for a specified proxy:

  • Error Rate (per-min)
  • Proxy Status
  • Request Rate (per-min)
  • Active Servers
  • Sessions Active
  • Sessions Queued


The Haproxy monitoring Plugin for New Relic requires the following:

  • A New Relic account. Signup for a free account at
  • You need a host to install the plugin on that is able to poll the desired Haproxy server. That host also needs Ruby (tested with 1.8.7, 1.9.3), and support for rubygems.

Instructions for running the Haproxy agent

  1. Install this gem from RubyGems:

    sudo gem install newrelic_haproxy_agent

  2. Install config, execute

    sudo newrelic_haproxy_agent install - it will create /etc/newrelic/newrelic_haproxy_agent.yml file for you.

  3. Edit the /etc/newrelic/newrelic_haproxy_agent.yml file generated in step 2.

    3.1. replace YOUR_LICENSE_KEY_HERE with your New Relic license key. Your license key can be found under Account Settings at, see for more help.

    3.2. add the URI of the haproxy CSV stats url

  4. Execute

    newrelic_haproxy_agent run

  5. Go back to the Plugins list and after a brief period you will see the Haproxy Plugin listed in your New Relic account

Keep this process running

You can use services like these to manage this process and run it as a daemon.

Also you can use foreman for daemonization.

Foreman can be useful if you want to use Heroku for run your agent. Just add Procfile and push to Heroku.

monitor_daemon: newrelic_haproxy_agent run -c config/newrelic_plugin.yml