Ryffable Challenge Take Home

Short technical challenge for ryffable.

Congrats in passing Ryffable's first round of interview!

Kindly find the project assignment. You have 24 hours to complete your assignment from the first time you get the email.

Remember to consistently commit your progress throughout your development!

Getting Started

You will need to use the following technologies for the project:


  • Create a model, admin and endpoints using DRF with the following model parameters: name, place, animal, food, things You can call the model whatever you think is appropriate.
  • Create a data source in a csv file with the above parameters and Populate it with data in alphabetical order from A to Z.
  • Write a function that writes all the data from csv file into the db.
  • Add full endpoints for POST, GET, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE.
  • Add paginations, filtering and sorting in aphabetical order based on name, animal and things.
  • Add swagger API doc using any package you desire


  • Use DRF, you can use any other package you want


You will be assessed based on:

  • clean code
  • good design of databases etc.
  • error handling
  • threading safety
  • coding best practices / design patterns
  • Features completed
  • Timeliness
  • Code Quality


Kindly submit your production ready code by creating a pull request to github, and deploying the final product through heroku.

Testing out the API's

Please proceed to the following link to test our the API's