Git Kata: Basic Staging

This kata will examine the staging area of git.

In git we are working with three different areas:

  • The working directory where you are making your changes
  • The staging area where all changes you have added through git add will stay
  • The repository where every commit ends up, making your history. To put your staged changes in here you issue the git commit command.

A file can have changes both in the working directory and staging area at the same time. These changes do not have to be the same.

We will also work with git restore to restore the staged changes of a file, and git checkout to return a file to a previous state.


  1. Run source (or .\setup.ps1 in PowerShell)

The task

You live in your own repository. There is a file called file.txt.

  1. What's the content of file.txt?

    its content is just:1

  1. Overwrite the content in file.txt: echo 2 > file.txt to change the state of your file in the working directory (or sc file.txt '2' in PowerShell)


  2. What does git diff tell you?

    Tells me that the first version and second version of file.txt are diferent

  3. What does git diff --staged tell you? why is this blank? Tells me that there is no difference between any files in the staging area

    and it is blank becuase we did not add the changed files to the staging area.

  4. Run git add file.txt to stage your changes from the working directory.


  5. What does git diff tell you?

    is blank and this tells me that there is difference between first in the working area

  6. What does git diff --staged tell you?

    Tells me that there is difference between first version and second version of the file

  7. Overwrite the content in file.txt: echo 3 > file.txt to change the state of your file in the working directory (or sc file.txt '3' in PowerShell).


  8. What does git diff tell you?

    Tells me that there is difference between first version and second version of the file

  9. What does git diff --staged tell you?

    is blank and this tells me that there is difference between first in staging area

  10. Explain what is happening

    **we made change to the file.txt in the staging area then it is marked as there is diff ** ---between first state and second state of the file , then we add it to the staging area . so we can commit the changes now.

  11. Run git status and observe that file.txt are present twice in the output.


  12. Run git restore --staged file.txt to unstage the change


  13. What does git status tell you now?

    Tells me that it is now modified

  14. Stage the change and make a commit


  15. What does the log look like?

    **The log shows that commit happen in which branch and its id , with summary about no ** ---of changed files and total insertion

  16. Overwrite the content in file.txt: echo 4 > file.txt (or sc file.txt '4' in PowerShell)


  17. What is the content of file.txt?


  18. What does git status tell us?

    Tell us that tow files are modified this Readme file and file.txt file

  19. Run git restore file.txt


  20. What is the content of file.txt?


  21. What does git status tell us?

    that only Readme file is modified

Useful commands

  • git add
  • git commit
  • git commit -m "My lazy short commit message"
  • git log
  • git log -n 5
  • git log --oneline
  • git log --oneline --graph
  • git restore --staged


You can set up aliases as such: git config --global 'log --oneline --graph --all' This might be useful to you.