
MATLAB library featuring randomized Krylov algorithms


Randomized Krylov methods

randKrylov is a MATLAB library that features randomized Krylov methods for solving large linear systems and eigenvalue problems. The functions randgmres and randeigs can be over 4x and over 10x faster, respectively, than the built-in analogues gmres and eigs, while providing the same (or even greater) accuracy and robustness.

randgmres can provide solutions to linear systems several times faster than the built-in gmres when the GMRES method takes many inner iterations: if $m > 10 \log(n)$, where $n$ and $m$ represent the dimension of the system and the number of inner iterations, respectively. The speedup of GMRES iterations is attributed to orthogonalizing Krylov basis with the randomized Gram-Schmidt (RGS) process, which requires 4x fewer flops and is more cache/memory efficient than the Householder process used in gmres. At the same time, the RGS yields as accurate solution with a very high probability $>0.99999999999$. Moreover, randgmres  uses a new randomized criterion for the solution certification, which proves to be more robust than the criterion used in gmres. In particular, when gmres reports error stagnation, randgmres can report the stagnation much sooner, or even detect the absence of stagnation and reduce the error to a greater extent (see experiments).

randeigs can solve nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems over 10x faster than the built-in eigs. The reduction in computational cost is achieved primarily due to orthogonalizing the Krylov basis with the RGS process. The speedup is greater when a large Krylov basis is used.  By default, randeigs re-orthogonalizes the computed Krylov basis with a Cholesky QR step at the end of the computation. Such re-orthogonalization should have only minor cost and is employed to ensure that randeigs provides the same solution as eigs. For many problems this step may be unnecessary and can be ignored by specifying the corresponding flag. In this case randeigs will provide a randomized Rayleigh-Ritz solution which can have a similar quality as the regular Rayleigh-Ritz solution from eigs.

An additional distinguishing feature of randgmres and randeigs is the ability to perform the dominant operations in single precision that can halve the memory usage and speed up the computations.

Syntax for randgmres

 x = randgmres(A,b) attempts to solve n x n linear system Ax = b. By default, we use unrestarted method with m = min(n/10,500) total iterations.

 x = randgmres(afun,b) takes a function handle afun instead of matrix A, where afun(t) outputs the matrix-vector products At. To incorporate preconditioning with preconditioner P = (M1M2)-1, use afun = @(x) A*(M2\(M1\x)) or afun = @(x) M2\(M1\(A*x)). In the following syntaxes, the matrix A can be replaced by Afun.

  x = randgmres(A,b,restart) restarts the algorithm every m = restart iterations. If restart is n or [] then randgmres uses unrestarted method.

  x = randgmres(A,b,restart,tol) specifies desired accuracy of the solution measured by relative residual error. If tol is [] then we take tol = 1e-6.

  x = randgmres(A,b,restart,tol,maxit) specifies the maximum number of outer iterations. If maxit is [] then randgmres uses the default value min(n/restart,10).

  x = randgmres(A,b,restart,tol,maxit,x0) specifies the initial guess. If x0 is [] then randgmres takes x0 as n x 1 zero vector.

  x = randgmres(A,b,restart,tol,maxit,x0,thetagenfun) specifies parameterless function thetagenfun() that draws a random sketching matrix Theta, given as function handle, i.e., Theta(t) = Theta t. By default, we take Theta as SRHT matrix with k = 2m log(n)/log(m) rows.

  x = randgmres(A,b,restart,tol,maxit,x0,thetagenfun,lssolver) specifies the method used for solving the sketched least-squares problems in randgmres. The options include '3reorth', '5reorth' (default), '20reorth' corresponding to, repsectively, 3, 5, or 20 Richardson iterations, or 'CG' corresponding to 20 iterations of CG, applied to the normal equation.

  x = randgmres(A,b,restart,tol,maxit,x0,thetagenfun,lssolver,lowprecision) specifies a flag whether to compute the Krylov basis vectors in single precision, while performing other (minor) operations in double precision. By default, lowprecision = 0, i.e., all the operations are performed in double precision.

 [x,output] = randgmres(___) returns the output containing the estimated residual and stability measure at each iteration, and stagnation/convergence lags.

Syntax for randeigs

D = randeigs(A) returns 6 largest eigenvalues of a square matrix A.

D = randeigs(afun) takes a function handle afun instead of matrix A, where afun(t) outputs the matrix-vector products At. In the following syntaxes, the matrix A can be replaced by afun.

D = randeigs(A,B) solves the generalized eigenvalue problem Ax = $\lambda$ Bx rather than the standard one. B must be a square matrix. In the following syntaxes, if the input B is missing or is [], then randeigs solves the standard eigenvalue problem Ax = $\lambda$ x.

[V,D] = randeigs(A,B) returns a diagonal matrix D composed of the largest eigenvalues of A, and a matrix V whose columns are the corresponding eigenvectors.

[V,D,flag] = randeigs(A,B) also returns a convergence flag indicating the convergence of the eigenvalues.

randeigs(A,B,K) returns K largest eigenvalues.

randeigs(A,B,K,method) returns K eigenvalues. The options for method are same as in built-in eigs function:

  'largestabs' or 'smallestabs' - largest or smallest magnitude
'largestreal' or 'smallestreal' - largest or smallest real part
                 'bothendsreal' - K/2 values with largest and
                                  smallest real part, respectively
                                  (one more from largest if K is odd)

For nonsymmetric problems, method can also be:

'largestimag' or 'smallestimag' - largest or smallest imaginary part
                 'bothendsimag' - K/2 values with largest and
                                 smallest imaginary part, respectively
                                 (one more from largest if K is odd)

If method = sigma (scalar), then randeigs finds the eigenvalues closest to sigma.

randeigs(A,B,K,sigma,name,value) specifies additional options given by the option's name followed by its value. The variable name can be:

  'Tolerance' - convergence tolerance. Default value: 1e-14.

  'MaxIterations' - maximum number of iterations. Default value: 10

  'SubspaceDimension' - size of Krylov subspace. Default value:

  'StartVector' - starting vector. Default value: n x 1 random vector.

  'Display'- display diagnostic messages. Default value: 0.

  'InvertOperator' - if method = sigma (scalar) or method = 'smallestabs',
  then we take method = 'largestabs', lambda = sigma+1/lambda 
  and A = (A-sigma*B)^(-1) computed implicitly with Cholesky or lu 
  decomposition. In this case, if used, Afun must output products 
  with (A-sigma*B)^(-1). Default value: 1.

  'SketchingMatrixFun' - specifies parameterless function thetagenfun() 
  that draws a random sketching matrix Theta, given as function handle,
  i.e., Theta(t) = Theta*t. By default, we take Theta as SRHT matrix with 
  k = 2*m*log(n)/log(m) rows, where m is the subspace dimension. 

  'LSsolver' - method used for solving the sketched least-squares problems 
  The options include '3reorth', '5reorth' (default), '20reorth' 
  corresponding to, repsectively, 3, 5, or 20 Richardson iterations, or 'CG' 
  corresponding to 20 iterations of CG, applied to the normal equation.

  'LowPrecision' - compute the Krylov basis vectors in single precision, 
  while performing other (minor) operations in double precision. 
  By default, LowPrecision = 0, i.e., all the operations are performed in 
  double precision.

  'ExactProj' - augment rand.  Arnoldi algorithm with Cholesky QR of the 
  Krylov basis matrix. Performing this step provides a classical 
  Rayleigh-Ritz approximation of the eigenpairs, which can be preferred to 
  its randomized variant due to the strong optimality guarantees. For some 
  problems, however, this can be an unecessary expensive computation. 
  Default value: 1.

Benchmarks for randgmres

Here is a runtime/robustness comparison of randgmres with the built-in gmres. The tests were performed in MATLAB R2021b on a node with 192GB of RAM and 2x Cacade Lake Intel Xeon 5218 16 cores 2.4GHz processor. The linear systems were taken from the SuiteSparse matrix collection with random right-hand-side vectors. The linear systems ML_Geer, Ga41As41H72 and vas_stokes_1M were preconditioned with ilu factorization. For SiO2 and atmosmodd, the randgmres function was executed in the low-precision mode (i.e., by taking lowprecision = 1) requiring half the memory used by gmres.

The following table reports the observed runtimes and residual errors of gmres and randgmres for varying inputs. It is revealed that randgmres has provided an accurate solution up to 4x faster than gmres.

For the ML_Geer, Ga41As41H72, and vas_stokes_1M systems, the use of a large number $m \geq 400$ of inner iterations is crucial to circumvent error stagnation. Noteworthy, when a small number of inner iterations was used, randgmres was able to identify the stagnation up to 60x faster than gmres due to the new randomized criterion.

For the ML_Geer system with $m = 1500$, gmres reported an error stagnation with a residual error of 3x10-5, while randgmres refined the solution to a much greater extent (in addition to being thrice as fast), which demonstrates the robustness of randgmres.

system       size restart maxit gmres time gmres error randgmres time randgmres error
ML_Geer       1.5x106 1500   5 3500s 3x10-5   1300s 3.4x10-10
ML_Geer       1.5x106 500   50 4500s 9.8x10-10   2500s 5.7x10-10
ML_Geer       1.5x106 200   150 23300s 9.8x10-1   380s 1.1x100
Ga41As41H72   2.7x105 2000 1 1200s 1.1x10-7 300s 1.9x10-7
Ga41As41H72   2.7x105 500 50 6600s 2.4x10-2 890s 2.8x10-2
Ga41As41H72   2.7x105 200 150 4890s 4.4x10-2 260s 5.5x10-2
vas_stokes_1M 1.1x106 800   1 820s 1.1x10-12 340s 6.13x10-13
vas_stokes_1M 1.1x106 400   10 1300s 6.5x10-13 770s 4.4x10-13
vas_stokes_1M 1.1x106 200   40 3400s 7.7x10-3 290s 9.8x10-3
SiO2         1.5x105 400   5 90s 1x10-10   40s   2.7x10-11
atmosmodd     1.3x106 300   5 210s 9.7x10-11 130s 2.4x10-11

The table below shows the average runtimes taken by a single inner iteration in gmres and randgmres for varying inputs.

system       size restart maxit gmres time randgmres time
ML_Geer       1.5x106 1500   5 2.6s per it. 0.78s per it.
ML_Geer       1.5x106 500   50 1.42s per it. 0.72s per it.
Ga41As41H72   2.7x105 2000 1 0.67s per it. 0.17s per it.
vas_stokes_1M 1.1x106 800   1 1.03s per it. 0.43s per it.
vas_stokes_1M 1.1x106 400   10 0.57s per it. 0.36s per it.
SiO2         1.5x105 400   5 0.11s per it. 0.04s per it.
atmosmodd     1.3x106 300   5 0.36s per it. 0.2s per it.

Benchmarks for randeigs

Next we compare randeigs with built-in eigs. The tests again were executed in MATLAB R2021b on a node with 192GB of RAM and 2x Cacade Lake Intel Xeon 5218 16 cores 2.4GHz processor. The goal was to compute the $K$ smallest eigenvalues, and the corresponding eigenvectors of ML_Geer, vas_stokes_1M and t2em matrices from SuiteSparse matrix collection. The matrices ML_Geer and vas_stokes_1M could not be efficiently inverted with an lu decomposition, therefore they were shifted using A = speye(n,n)-Ain/(lambdamax+0.1), with Ain denoting the input matrix of size n and lambdamax the magnitude of the largest-magnitute eigenvalue of Ain . Then the eigenpairs of A with the largest-magnitude eigenvalues were computed (taking method = largestabs). The matrix t2em, on the other hand, could be efficiently inverted with lu. Consequently, its eigenpairs with the smallest eigenvalues were computed directly without shifting (taking A = Ain and method = smallestabs). In the experiments the options 'SubspaceDimension', 'MaxIterations', 'Tolerance' and 'ExactProj' were taken as m, maxiter, tol and 1.

In all the tests, randeigs and eigs provided the same solutions up to machine precision. Their runtimes are shown below.

system       size K m maxit tol eigs time randeigs time
ML_Geer     1.5x106 20   1000 50 10-10 151200s 13400s
ML_Geer     1.5x106 20   400 150 10-10 66800s 13300s
ML_Geer     1.5x106 20   100 500 10-10 26200s --
vas_stokes_1M 1.1x106 50   1500 25 10-10 177500s 13000s
vas_stokes_1M 1.1x106 50   200 2000 10-10 31100s --
t2em     9.2x105 300   800 5 10-10 2300s 280s
t2em     9.2x105 300   600 5 10-10 1600s 290s


O. Balabanov and L. Grigori, "Randomized Gram-Schmidt process  with application to GMRES", SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 44.3 (2022): A1450-A1474.