TSQL SQL SERVER FUNCTION: fnUpdateSerializedPhpArray

This function allows to update a value or create a new key - value to a field of a table that stores serialized values with the php serialize() function, for more details http://php.fnlist.com/php/serialize

@serialized_php_Array = Array serialized with the php serialize() function
@key = Name of the key to update or create
@value = value of the key to update or create
@serialized_php_Array /// MUST BE A VALID PHP SERIALIZED ARRAY ///
and it is only for arrays of type:

array (

key1 => value1,
key2 => value2,
key3 => value3,


If the key (@key) is inside the serialized array (@serialized_php_Array)

updates the value of that key with a new value (@value).

if this key is not found adds another element to the serialized array
(@serialized_php_Array), having @key as key and value @value

Where @key and @value are just strings (NOT int, NOT Null) Can accept "" for empty values ​​of @value

Inside this function another function called "fnParsePhpSerializedString" is executed

The "fnParsePhpSerializedString" function returns a table of a serialized string with the serialize() php function with the following columns:

  • element_id

  • parent_id

  • var_name

  • var_type

  • var_length

  • value_int

  • value_string

  • value_decimal

This function can receive any type of serialized object, for more details of this function at https://github.com/mttjohnson/tsqlphpunserialize/tree/master