
🌍 📷 TravelLovers is an online platform where fellow travellers can meet likeminded individuals, to share places and get advice on how to book the next life-changing trip! 🏕️ 🌍

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Travel Lovers

🌍 📷 TravelLovers is an online platform where fellow travellers can meet likeminded individuals, to share places and get advice on how to book the next life-changing trip! 🏕️ 🌍 Direct Link to the app

Table of contents

General info

This project is a MERN application. It is created as a graduation project of HackYourFuture. As a 5-person dev team, we built this application to combine what we learned in HackYourFuture's intensive 8-month course on wep development. Over the course of eight months professional developers teach HTML, CSS, JS, Node, React.js and MySQL. In addition, problem-solving skills and team work are emphasized throughout the curriculum.


  • MongoDB
  • Express.js - version 4.17.1
  • React.js - version 16.13.1
  • Node.js - version 12.14.0
  • Material-ui - version 4.11.0
  • Mapbox Geocoding and Mapping API

How to use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. We will use 2 seperate terminals, 1 for Back-end, 1 for Front-end

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/obeka/travel-lovers.git

#First Backend Side
# Go into the backend to wake up the server and database
$ cd backend
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start

#Second Frontend Side
# Open up a new terminal and go into frontend 
$ cd frontend
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Run the app
$ npm start


  • Create a new account and Log in (You can sign up or log in with your Google or Facebook accounts)
  • Create, Read, Update and Delete a place
  • See others' places
  • Mapping for places
  • Comment on places
  • Rate Places
  • Get notification if your places get comments, your name mentioned in a comment or followed by others
  • Create your own bucket list and see them in a nice map
  • Follow other travellers
  • Reset your password and change your user email
  • And pack your bag, ready, GO ! 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️




Signup/ Login Page


Following / Followers


Bucket List






On mobile :

a.png b.png c.png d.png e.png f.png


The raw version of this app can be found in here


📬 You can send me email : omerbkk06@gmail.com 📬