
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Plest - quick and dirty graylisting of files

Getting started

Before you begin, start by prepapring nsrllookup. This commando will take a while.

docker-compose -f settings/svr/docker-compose-prepare.yml up svr-prepare && 
docker-compose -f settings/svr/docker-compose-prepare.yml rm -fsv

To download and start all services, do:

docker-compose up

This will bring everything up. Note that the Plaso container does not have a proper run command, so it will immediately stop. It's only in the docker-compose definition in order to be downloaded.

Also note that it takes a while for the nsrllookup service to start.

To set the passwords for the Elasticsearch cluster, run:

docker exec -it plaso-es ./bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive

Then change the password in settings/kibana/kibana.yml to the appropriate password. Restart the Kibana container:

docker-compose restart kibana

Running Plaso

Extract data, including hashes, from testdata/evidences/.

docker run -v ${pwd}/testdata/:/data log2timeline/plaso log2timeline --hashers all /data/evidences.plaso /data/evidences

Enrich the data with data from nsrlsvr.

docker run --network plest_default -v ${pwd}/testdata/:/data log2timeline/plaso psort --analysis nsrlsvr --nsrlsvr-hash md5 --nsrlsvr-host svr --nsrlsvr-port 9120 -o null /data/evidences.plaso

Send the data to Elasticsearch.

docker run --network=plest_default -v ${pwd}/testdata:/data -v ${pwd}/settings/plaso/elasticsearch.mappings:/home/plaso/data/elasticsearch.mappings log2timeline/plaso psort -o elastic --server elasticsearch --index_name psort /data/evidences.plaso

Write the data to timeline.log. Use -o elasticsearch to output data to Elasticsearch instead.

docker run -v ${pwd}/testdata/:/data log2timeline/plaso psort -w /data/timeline.log /data/evidences.plaso

To drop into a shell at the Plaso container, run:

docker run -v ./testdata/:/data --entrypoint=/bin/bash --network plest_default -it log2timeline/plaso


NSRLlookup is based on nsrllookup by cybagard.

Copyright (c) 2020 cybagard