
An R package of handy functions and datasets specifically enabling Plasmodium falciparum functional enrichment analyses.

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



The goal of pfGO is to package handy functions and datasets specifically enabling Plasmodium falciparum functional enrichment analyses. pfGO acts as a wrapper around the topGO package for much of its enrichment functionality, while also providing several functions for incorporating latest gene-ontology and functional annotations.

pfGO enables chaining together many parallel enrichment-analyses at once, generating thorough logs and outputs supporting reproducible analyses.


You can install pfGO from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

# or if authenticating via ssh:

See individual functions/data objects for further documentation. E.g.:


# for all available functions/data:
# then scroll to the bottom and click the "index" link.

Example (quick start)

This is a basic example demonstrating how to run an enrichment analysis on piggyBac pooled phenotypic screening results to identify processes enabling parasite survival of host fever (using data as published previously):

# load included pf GO database and example-data to be tested for functional enrichment

# run the topGO pipeline on all experimental categories of interest from exampleMydf
run.topGO.meta(mydf = exampleMydf, geneID2GO = Pfal_geneID2GO, pval = 0.05)

View example console output here

Key functions and further documentation



Tests for functional enrichment in gene-categories of interest.


  • mydf: data frame with geneIDs in column 1, and interest-category classifications in column 2.
  • geneID2GO: a list of named vectors of GO IDs–one vector of GO-terms for each geneID.
  • pval: p-value threshold for significance. Defaults to 0.05.


run.topGO.meta creates several output-files, including:

  • enrichment results

  • significant genes per significant term

    • available in “Routput/GO/all.combined.sig.genes.per.sig.terms.tsv”
  • plots of the GO-term hierarchy relevant to the analysis

  • thorough log-files for each gene-category of interest tested against the background of all other genes in the analysis

  • system logs recording all package versions, etc.

Primary results from run.topGO.meta will be in “Routput/GO/all.combined.GO.results.tsv”. Note that run.topGO.meta will automatically create the Routput directory (and other required output directories nested in ./Routput) in your working directory for you if it does not exist.

more function details

The run.topGO.meta function:

  • defines which genes are “interesting” and which should be defined as background for each category specified in mydf,
  • makes the GOdata object for topGO,
  • tests each category of interest for enriched GO-terms against all the other genes included in mydf (the “gene universe”),
  • and then outputs results to several tables (.tsv files that can be opened in Excel).

Enrichments are performed by each ontology (molecular function, biological process, cellular compartment; MF, BP, and CC, respectively) sequentially on all groups of interest. Results are combined in the final output-table (“Routput/GO/all.combined.GO.results.tsv”).

TopGO automatically accounts for genes that cannot be mapped to GO terms (or are mapped to terms with < 3 genes in the analysis) with “feasible genes” indicated in the topGO.log files in the “Routput/GO” folder.

Concepts for common use-cases:


In an RNAseq analysis, common interest-categories might be “upregulated”, “downregulated”, and “neutral” genes. The gene universe would consist of all genes expressed above your threshold cutoffs (not necessarily all genes in the genome).

piggyBac screens:

In pooled piggyBac-mutant screening, common categories might be “sensitive”, “tolerant”, and “neutral”. The gene universe would consist of all genes represented in your screened library of mutants (again, not all genes in the genome).

See the included data object exampleMydf as an example.

Using your own custom GO database:

A correctly formatted geneID2GO object is included for P. falciparum enrichment analyses (Pfal_geneID2GO). You may also provide your own, so long as it is a named character-vector of GO-terms (each vector named by geneID, with GO terms as each element).

You can use the included formatGOdb.curated() function to format a custom GO database from curated GeneDB annotations for several non-model organisms (or the formatGOdb() function to include all GO annotations, if you aren’t picky about including automated electronic annotations). If you’re studying a model organism, several annotations are already available through the AnnotationDbi bioconductor package that loads with topGO.

Example console output

Example console output generated running the quick-start example data (piggyBac pooled phenotypic screening results to identify processes enabling parasite survival of host fever (similar to as published previously):

# load included pf GO database and example-data to be tested for functional enrichment

# run the topGO pipeline on all experimental categories of interest from exampleMydf
run.topGO.meta(mydf = exampleMydf, geneID2GO = Pfal_geneID2GO_curated, pval = 0.1)
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 128 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 336 GO terms and 437 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 193 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 59 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 8:   3 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   3 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   10 nodes to be scored   (10 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   11 nodes to be scored   (10 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   11 nodes to be scored   (42 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   15 nodes to be scored   (76 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   5 nodes to be scored    (97 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (183 eliminated genes)
#> Loading required package: Rgraphviz
#> Loading required package: grid
#> Attaching package: 'grid'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:topGO':
#>     depth
#> Attaching package: 'Rgraphviz'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:IRanges':
#>     from, to
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:S4Vectors':
#>     from, to
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.A.HS.Sensitive.MF_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  16 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: A.HS.Sensitive
#> Ontology: MF        GO.ID                                    Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0003924                         GTPase activity         3           2
#> 2  GO:0016791                    phosphatase activity         7           3
#> 3  GO:0003735      structural constituent of ribosome         7           3
#> 4  GO:0140096 catalytic activity, acting on a protein        17           4
#> 5  GO:0016887                 ATP hydrolysis activity         6           2
#> 6  GO:0016787                      hydrolase activity        29          10
#> 7  GO:0003729                            mRNA binding        13           3
#> 8  GO:0022857      transmembrane transporter activity         8           2
#> 9  GO:0016301                         kinase activity         8           2
#> 10 GO:0004540                   RNA nuclease activity         3           1
#>    Expected topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1      0.48 0.068          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 2      1.12 0.084          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 3      1.12 0.084          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 4      2.73 0.244          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 5      0.96 0.247          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 6      4.66 0.248          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 7      2.09 0.348          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 8      1.28 0.377          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 9      1.28 0.408          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 10     0.48 0.410          MF    A.HS.Sensitive
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 1 of 4
#> ontology 1 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 114 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 535 GO terms and 1001 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 176 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 105 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 9:   1 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 8:   4 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   7 nodes to be scored    (4 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   15 nodes to be scored   (22 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   27 nodes to be scored   (50 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   26 nodes to be scored   (93 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   18 nodes to be scored   (130 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   6 nodes to be scored    (162 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (165 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.A.HS.Sensitive.BP_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  23 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: A.HS.Sensitive
#> Ontology: BP        GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0016311                           dephosphorylation         3           2
#> 2  GO:0009410             response to xenobiotic stimulus        22           6
#> 3  GO:1901135 carbohydrate derivative metabolic proces...         5           2
#> 4  GO:0015031                           protein transport         5           2
#> 5  GO:0044237                  cellular metabolic process        66          10
#> 6  GO:0006996                      organelle organization         8           2
#> 7  GO:0006468                     protein phosphorylation         9           2
#> 8  GO:0007049                                  cell cycle         3           1
#> 9  GO:0048519 negative regulation of biological proces...         3           1
#> 10 GO:0030522    intracellular receptor signaling pathway         3           1
#>    Expected topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1      0.41 0.049          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 2      3.00 0.056          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 3      0.68 0.134          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 4      0.68 0.134          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 5      9.00 0.251          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 6      1.09 0.299          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 7      1.23 0.354          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 8      0.41 0.358          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 9      0.41 0.358          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 10     0.41 0.358          BP    A.HS.Sensitive
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 1 of 4
#> ontology 2 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 100 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 245 GO terms and 416 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 434 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 80 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 11:  2 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 10:  4 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 9:   5 nodes to be scored    (23 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 8:   8 nodes to be scored    (70 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   9 nodes to be scored    (93 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   13 nodes to be scored   (115 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   10 nodes to be scored   (171 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   11 nodes to be scored   (342 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   15 nodes to be scored   (358 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   2 nodes to be scored    (404 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (432 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.A.HS.Sensitive.CC_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  23 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: A.HS.Sensitive
#> Ontology: CC        GO.ID                               Term Annotated Significant Expected
#> 1  GO:0005739                      mitochondrion        46          13     7.63
#> 2  GO:0031966             mitochondrial membrane         3           2     0.50
#> 3  GO:0140513 nuclear protein-containing complex        12           4     1.99
#> 4  GO:0034399                  nuclear periphery         8           3     1.33
#> 5  GO:0005737                          cytoplasm       176          39    29.20
#> 6  GO:0005840                           ribosome         8           3     1.33
#> 7  GO:0005783              endoplasmic reticulum        19           5     3.15
#> 8  GO:0020011                         apicoplast        42           9     6.97
#> 9  GO:0005794                    Golgi apparatus         6           2     1.00
#> 10 GO:0031981                      nuclear lumen        15           5     2.49
#>    topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1  0.068          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 2  0.073          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 3  0.121          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 4  0.132          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 5  0.163          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 6  0.164          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 7  0.192          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 8  0.245          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 9  0.261          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> 10 0.297          CC    A.HS.Sensitive
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 1 of 4
#> ontology 3 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 128 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 336 GO terms and 437 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 193 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 16 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 6:   1 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   2 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   4 nodes to be scored    (7 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   5 nodes to be scored    (42 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   3 nodes to be scored    (64 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (143 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.HS.and.CG.phenotype.MF_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  16 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> Ontology: MF        GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0019899                              enzyme binding         3           1
#> 2  GO:0022804 active transmembrane transporter activit...         3           1
#> 3  GO:0016791                        phosphatase activity         7           1
#> 4  GO:0003723                                 RNA binding        35           1
#> 5  GO:0005515                             protein binding        79           2
#> 6  GO:0003674                          molecular_function       193           4
#> 7  GO:0003676                        nucleic acid binding        47           1
#> 8  GO:0005488                                     binding       128           3
#> 9  GO:0005215                        transporter activity        11           1
#> 10 GO:0042578         phosphoric ester hydrolase activity         7           1
#>    Expected topGO go.category   interest.category
#> 1      0.06 0.061          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 2      0.06 0.061          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 3      0.15 0.138          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 4      0.73 0.554          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 5      1.64 0.786          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 6      4.00 1.000          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 7      0.97 1.000          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 8      2.65 1.000          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 9      0.23 1.000          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 10     0.15 1.000          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 2 of 4
#> ontology 1 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 114 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 535 GO terms and 1001 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 176 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 56 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 9:   2 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 8:   4 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   4 nodes to be scored    (9 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   6 nodes to be scored    (18 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   12 nodes to be scored   (33 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   13 nodes to be scored   (50 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   9 nodes to be scored    (88 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   5 nodes to be scored    (105 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (113 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.HS.and.CG.phenotype.BP_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  45 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> Ontology: BP        GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0045454                      cell redox homeostasis         3           1
#> 2  GO:0034470                            ncRNA processing         3           1
#> 3  GO:0006457                             protein folding         4           1
#> 4  GO:0006888 endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-m...         4           1
#> 5  GO:0065003         protein-containing complex assembly         5           1
#> 6  GO:0042254                         ribosome biogenesis         6           1
#> 7  GO:0006351                 DNA-templated transcription         6           1
#> 8  GO:0006259                       DNA metabolic process         8           1
#> 9  GO:0065007                       biological regulation        21           1
#> 10 GO:1901564 organonitrogen compound metabolic proces...        44           1
#>    Expected topGO go.category   interest.category
#> 1      0.10 0.099          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 2      0.10 0.099          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 3      0.14 0.131          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 4      0.14 0.131          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 5      0.17 0.161          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 6      0.20 0.190          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 7      0.20 0.190          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 8      0.27 0.247          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 9      0.72 0.539          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 10     1.50 1.000          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 2 of 4
#> ontology 2 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 100 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 245 GO terms and 416 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 434 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 68 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 11:  2 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 10:  4 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 9:   5 nodes to be scored    (23 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 8:   7 nodes to be scored    (70 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   7 nodes to be scored    (90 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   12 nodes to be scored   (101 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   8 nodes to be scored    (165 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   10 nodes to be scored   (335 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   10 nodes to be scored   (352 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   2 nodes to be scored    (389 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (416 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.HS.and.CG.phenotype.CC_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  34 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> Ontology: CC        GO.ID                                 Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0005730                            nucleolus         5           2
#> 2  GO:0032993                  protein-DNA complex         6           2
#> 3  GO:0030684                          preribosome         3           1
#> 4  GO:0030660    Golgi-associated vesicle membrane         3           1
#> 5  GO:1903561                extracellular vesicle        17           2
#> 6  GO:0000785                            chromatin         4           1
#> 7  GO:0030120                         vesicle coat         4           1
#> 8  GO:0005794                      Golgi apparatus         6           1
#> 9  GO:0005634                              nucleus       176           9
#> 10 GO:0020005 symbiont-containing vacuole membrane         9           1
#>    Expected topGO go.category   interest.category
#> 1      0.18 0.012          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 2      0.22 0.069          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 3      0.11 0.107          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 4      0.11 0.107          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 5      0.63 0.126          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 6      0.15 0.140          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 7      0.15 0.140          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 8      0.22 0.203          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 9      6.49 0.235          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 10     0.33 0.289          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 2 of 4
#> ontology 3 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 128 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 336 GO terms and 437 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 193 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 49 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 8:   1 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   1 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   6 nodes to be scored    (6 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   9 nodes to be scored    (8 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   14 nodes to be scored   (36 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   13 nodes to be scored   (71 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   4 nodes to be scored    (119 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (169 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.HS.Neutral.MF_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  19 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: HS.Neutral
#> Ontology: MF        GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0043565               sequence-specific DNA binding         3           2
#> 2  GO:0008757 S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltra...         3           2
#> 3  GO:0016853                          isomerase activity         3           2
#> 4  GO:0008094       ATP-dependent activity, acting on DNA         3           2
#> 5  GO:0016779             nucleotidyltransferase activity         4           2
#> 6  GO:0050839              cell adhesion molecule binding        17           5
#> 7  GO:0003677                                 DNA binding         8           4
#> 8  GO:0046872                           metal ion binding         5           2
#> 9  GO:0003729                                mRNA binding        13           3
#> 10 GO:0016409               palmitoyltransferase activity         3           1
#>    Expected topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1      0.51 0.076          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 2      0.51 0.076          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 3      0.51 0.076          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 4      0.51 0.076          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 5      0.68 0.136          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 6      2.91 0.142          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 7      1.37 0.188          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 8      0.85 0.203          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 9      2.22 0.389          MF        HS.Neutral
#> 10     0.51 0.432          MF        HS.Neutral
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 3 of 4
#> ontology 1 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 114 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 535 GO terms and 1001 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 176 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 146 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 10:  3 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 9:   7 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 8:   12 nodes to be scored   (33 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   17 nodes to be scored   (40 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   22 nodes to be scored   (54 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   32 nodes to be scored   (82 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   24 nodes to be scored   (112 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   21 nodes to be scored   (135 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   7 nodes to be scored    (162 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (170 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.HS.Neutral.BP_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  77 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: HS.Neutral
#> Ontology: BP        GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0006355 regulation of DNA-templated transcriptio...         5           4
#> 2  GO:0020033                         antigenic variation        27           8
#> 3  GO:0006913                 nucleocytoplasmic transport         3           2
#> 4  GO:0051276                     chromosome organization         3           2
#> 5  GO:0020013 modulation by symbiont of host erythrocy...        20           5
#> 6  GO:0060255 regulation of macromolecule metabolic pr...         8           6
#> 7  GO:0020035    adhesion of symbiont to microvasculature        22           5
#> 8  GO:0010468               regulation of gene expression         7           5
#> 9  GO:0051171 regulation of nitrogen compound metaboli...         7           5
#> 10 GO:0051701 biological process involved in interacti...        53          10
#>    Expected topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1      0.65 0.001          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 2      3.53 0.011          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 3      0.39 0.045          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 4      0.39 0.045          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 5      2.61 0.097          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 6      1.05 0.107          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 7      2.88 0.137          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 8      0.91 0.210          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 9      0.91 0.210          BP        HS.Neutral
#> 10     6.93 0.212          BP        HS.Neutral
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 3 of 4
#> ontology 2 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 100 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 245 GO terms and 416 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 434 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 69 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 11:  2 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 10:  4 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 9:   3 nodes to be scored    (23 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 8:   4 nodes to be scored    (82 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   7 nodes to be scored    (86 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   10 nodes to be scored   (100 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   8 nodes to be scored    (164 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   12 nodes to be scored   (341 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   16 nodes to be scored   (364 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   2 nodes to be scored    (413 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (433 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.HS.Neutral.CC_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  19 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: HS.Neutral
#> Ontology: CC        GO.ID                                     Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0020030          infected host cell surface knob        18           5
#> 2  GO:0020002                host cell plasma membrane        28           6
#> 3  GO:0030430                      host cell cytoplasm        80          15
#> 4  GO:0020036                           Maurer's cleft        43           8
#> 5  GO:0005634                                  nucleus       176          27
#> 6  GO:0020008                                  rhoptry         8           2
#> 7  GO:0034399                        nuclear periphery         8           2
#> 8  GO:0140535 intracellular protein-containing complex         8           2
#> 9  GO:0043657                                host cell       105          19
#> 10 GO:0020005     symbiont-containing vacuole membrane         9           2
#>    Expected topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1      2.49 0.087          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 2      3.87 0.175          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 3     11.06 0.228          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 4      5.94 0.228          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 5     24.33 0.258          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 6      1.11 0.305          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 7      1.11 0.305          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 8      1.11 0.305          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 9     14.52 0.334          CC        HS.Neutral
#> 10     1.24 0.360          CC        HS.Neutral
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 3 of 4
#> ontology 3 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 128 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 336 GO terms and 437 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 193 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 84 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 8:   3 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   4 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   12 nodes to be scored   (10 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   17 nodes to be scored   (14 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   21 nodes to be scored   (50 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   19 nodes to be scored   (93 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   7 nodes to be scored    (136 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (187 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.not.classified.MF_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  11 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: not.classified
#> Ontology: MF        GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0042393                             histone binding         6           6
#> 2  GO:0016874                             ligase activity         4           4
#> 3  GO:0008289                               lipid binding         4           4
#> 4  GO:0140101        catalytic activity, acting on a tRNA         4           4
#> 5  GO:0140030      modification-dependent protein binding         4           4
#> 6  GO:0003743      translation initiation factor activity         4           4
#> 7  GO:0005515                             protein binding        79          55
#> 8  GO:0008233                          peptidase activity         6           5
#> 9  GO:0016765 transferase activity, transferring alkyl...         3           3
#> 10 GO:0140097           catalytic activity, acting on DNA         6           4
#>    Expected topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1      3.89 0.071          MF    not.classified
#> 2      2.59 0.173          MF    not.classified
#> 3      2.59 0.173          MF    not.classified
#> 4      2.59 0.173          MF    not.classified
#> 5      2.59 0.173          MF    not.classified
#> 6      2.59 0.173          MF    not.classified
#> 7     51.17 0.262          MF    not.classified
#> 8      3.89 0.269          MF    not.classified
#> 9      1.94 0.269          MF    not.classified
#> 10     3.89 0.276          MF    not.classified
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 4 of 4
#> ontology 1 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 114 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 535 GO terms and 1001 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 176 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 200 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 10:  4 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 9:   11 nodes to be scored   (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 8:   17 nodes to be scored   (36 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   23 nodes to be scored   (54 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   31 nodes to be scored   (74 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   41 nodes to be scored   (105 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   34 nodes to be scored   (133 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   29 nodes to be scored   (143 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   9 nodes to be scored    (169 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (176 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.not.classified.BP_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  34 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: not.classified
#> Ontology: BP        GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0048870                               cell motility         5           5
#> 2  GO:0006413                    translational initiation         4           4
#> 3  GO:0020035    adhesion of symbiont to microvasculature        22          17
#> 4  GO:0044409                             entry into host        11           9
#> 5  GO:0035891                         exit from host cell         7           6
#> 6  GO:0032502                       developmental process         3           3
#> 7  GO:0002377                   immunoglobulin production         3           3
#> 8  GO:0065008            regulation of biological quality         3           3
#> 9  GO:0030003 intracellular monoatomic cation homeosta...         3           3
#> 10 GO:0050776               regulation of immune response         3           3
#>    Expected topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1      3.49  0.16          BP    not.classified
#> 2      2.80  0.24          BP    not.classified
#> 3     15.38  0.29          BP    not.classified
#> 4      7.69  0.30          BP    not.classified
#> 5      4.89  0.32          BP    not.classified
#> 6      2.10  0.34          BP    not.classified
#> 7      2.10  0.34          BP    not.classified
#> 8      2.10  0.34          BP    not.classified
#> 9      2.10  0.34          BP    not.classified
#> 10     2.10  0.34          BP    not.classified
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 4 of 4
#> ontology 2 of 3
#> Building most specific GOs .....
#>  ( 100 GO terms found. )
#> Build GO DAG topology ..........
#>  ( 245 GO terms and 416 relations. )
#> Annotating nodes ...............
#>  ( 434 genes annotated to the GO terms. )
#>           -- Weight01 Algorithm -- 
#>       the algorithm is scoring 105 nontrivial nodes
#>       parameters: 
#>           test statistic: fisher
#>   Level 11:  2 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 10:  6 nodes to be scored    (0 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 9:   7 nodes to be scored    (23 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 8:   13 nodes to be scored   (90 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 7:   12 nodes to be scored   (97 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 6:   16 nodes to be scored   (122 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 5:   13 nodes to be scored   (182 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 4:   15 nodes to be scored   (346 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 3:   18 nodes to be scored   (364 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 2:   2 nodes to be scored    (413 eliminated genes)
#>   Level 1:   1 nodes to be scored    (433 eliminated genes)
#> /Users/Jenna/Library/CloudStorage/Box-Box/Genomics/omicshub/projects/pfGO/Routput/GO/hierarchy.plots/tGO.not.classified.CC_weight01_5_all  --- no of nodes:  25 
#> ==============================================================================
#> GO enrichment results for interest category: not.classified
#> Ontology: CC        GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0020003                 symbiont-containing vacuole        18          14
#> 2  GO:0009986                                cell surface        24          20
#> 3  GO:0020009                                   microneme         6           6
#> 4  GO:0071944                              cell periphery        19          14
#> 5  GO:0020002                   host cell plasma membrane        28          22
#> 6  GO:0032991                  protein-containing complex        55          35
#> 7  GO:0044228                           host cell surface         4           4
#> 8  GO:0031982                                     vesicle        41          29
#> 9  GO:0020026                     merozoite dense granule         3           3
#> 10 GO:0005852 eukaryotic translation initiation factor...         3           3
#>    Expected topGO go.category interest.category
#> 1     11.86 0.023          CC    not.classified
#> 2     15.82 0.046          CC    not.classified
#> 3      3.95 0.080          CC    not.classified
#> 4     12.52 0.081          CC    not.classified
#> 5     18.45 0.102          CC    not.classified
#> 6     36.24 0.130          CC    not.classified
#> 7      2.64 0.187          CC    not.classified
#> 8     27.02 0.282          CC    not.classified
#> 9      1.98 0.285          CC    not.classified
#> 10     1.98 0.285          CC    not.classified
#> ==============================================================================
#> interest-category 4 of 4
#> ontology 3 of 3
#> Joining with `by = join_by(GO.ID, go.category, interest.category)`
#> ==============================================================================
#> Significant terms from final GO enrichment results table (saved to 'Routput/GO/all.combined.GO.results.tsv':
#>         GO.ID                                        Term Annotated Significant
#> 1  GO:0016311                           dephosphorylation         3           2
#> 2  GO:0009410             response to xenobiotic stimulus        22           6
#> 3  GO:0005739                               mitochondrion        46          13
#> 4  GO:0031966                      mitochondrial membrane         3           2
#> 5  GO:0003924                             GTPase activity         3           2
#> 6  GO:0016791                        phosphatase activity         7           3
#> 7  GO:0003735          structural constituent of ribosome         7           3
#> 8  GO:0006355 regulation of DNA-templated transcriptio...         5           4
#> 9  GO:0020033                         antigenic variation        27           8
#> 10 GO:0006913                 nucleocytoplasmic transport         3           2
#> 11 GO:0051276                     chromosome organization         3           2
#> 12 GO:0020013 modulation by symbiont of host erythrocy...        20           5
#> 13 GO:0020030             infected host cell surface knob        18           5
#> 14 GO:0043565               sequence-specific DNA binding         3           2
#> 15 GO:0008757 S-adenosylmethionine-dependent methyltra...         3           2
#> 16 GO:0016853                          isomerase activity         3           2
#> 17 GO:0008094       ATP-dependent activity, acting on DNA         3           2
#> 18 GO:0045454                      cell redox homeostasis         3           1
#> 19 GO:0034470                            ncRNA processing         3           1
#> 20 GO:0005730                                   nucleolus         5           2
#> 21 GO:0032993                         protein-DNA complex         6           2
#> 22 GO:0019899                              enzyme binding         3           1
#> 23 GO:0022804 active transmembrane transporter activit...         3           1
#> 24 GO:0020003                 symbiont-containing vacuole        18          14
#> 25 GO:0009986                                cell surface        24          20
#> 26 GO:0020009                                   microneme         6           6
#> 27 GO:0071944                              cell periphery        19          14
#> 28 GO:0042393                             histone binding         6           6
#>    Expected topGO go.category   interest.category
#> 1      0.41 0.049          BP      A.HS.Sensitive
#> 2      3.00 0.056          BP      A.HS.Sensitive
#> 3      7.63 0.068          CC      A.HS.Sensitive
#> 4      0.50 0.073          CC      A.HS.Sensitive
#> 5      0.48 0.068          MF      A.HS.Sensitive
#> 6      1.12 0.084          MF      A.HS.Sensitive
#> 7      1.12 0.084          MF      A.HS.Sensitive
#> 8      0.65 0.001          BP          HS.Neutral
#> 9      3.53 0.011          BP          HS.Neutral
#> 10     0.39 0.045          BP          HS.Neutral
#> 11     0.39 0.045          BP          HS.Neutral
#> 12     2.61 0.097          BP          HS.Neutral
#> 13     2.49 0.087          CC          HS.Neutral
#> 14     0.51 0.076          MF          HS.Neutral
#> 15     0.51 0.076          MF          HS.Neutral
#> 16     0.51 0.076          MF          HS.Neutral
#> 17     0.51 0.076          MF          HS.Neutral
#> 18     0.10 0.099          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 19     0.10 0.099          BP HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 20     0.18 0.012          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 21     0.22 0.069          CC HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 22     0.06 0.061          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 23     0.06 0.061          MF HS.and.CG.phenotype
#> 24    11.86 0.023          CC      not.classified
#> 25    15.82 0.046          CC      not.classified
#> 26     3.95 0.080          CC      not.classified
#> 27    12.52 0.081          CC      not.classified
#> 28     3.89 0.071          MF      not.classified
#> ==============================================================================
#> All interesting-gene categories have been tested for GO-term enrichment.
#> See ALL TOP 30 enriched terms by interesting-gene category in 'Routput/GO/all.combined.GO.results.tsv'.
#> See log files for topGO-analyses by each interesting-gene category, including all genes in the analysis by GO term in 'Routput/GO/topGO.log.*.txt'.
#> See all significant genes mapped to all significant GO terms in 'Routput/GO/all.combined.sig.genes.per.sig.terms.tsv'.
#> ==============================================================================
# if you've run the pipeline, your significant genes in significant terms per category of interest can be loaded:
sig.genes <- read.delim("Routput/GO/all.combined.sig.genes.per.sig.terms.tsv")